The Myth Makers

Temple of Secrets (drn: 24'45")

The plains surrounding Troy, circa 1200 BC. Near the end of the siege against Troy by the Greeks, there is a battle being fought. Hector of Troy and Achilles, the Greek hero, are fighting one another to the death. They engage in insults even more than in swordplay. Achilles tries to fight, but it is clear that Hector is the better fighter.

Into the midst of the fight comes the TARDIS, sitting incongruously on the plain. The Doctor, Steven, and Vicki watch the fight on the scanner for a while. Vicki thinks they look very fierce, but the Doctor decides it is quite safe for him to go out. Vicki and Steven will stay put while he goes and asks the combatants where they are.

Hector and Achilles are oblivious to the police box nearby. They continue to hurl insults. Hector turns his insults to the Greek gods and Achilles warns him to keep a civil tongue. When Hector promises to trim off Zeus' beard if he shows up, there is a clap of thunder in the cloudless sky. Achilles takes this as an omen, but Hector laughs it off. He dares Zeus to descend and save Achilles. At that moment, there is another clap of thunder behind them. Hector and Achilles turn to see the Doctor emerging from the TARDIS. Hector is dumbstruck and Achilles takes the opportunity to run him through and kill him.

Achilles kneels to pay proper respect to the father of the gods. It takes the Doctor a moment to realize what is happening - that Achilles believes him to be a god. Even though the Doctor's aspect is odd, it is a fact that Zeus appears in many different forms when he comes to Earth. This time, it appears to Achilles that he has come in the guise of an old beggar!

While the Doctor is flattered by all the attention, he realizes that he has no interest in this time period and makes for the TARDIS. Achilles leaps forward and blocks his way. He tells the Doctor of the ten year long siege of Troy and how they have made no progress in all that time. He wishes to bring Zeus to the camp of the Greek general Agamemnon so that he can help them in their fight. Unable to call up a thunderbolt - or anything else for that matter - the Doctor must agree to go with him.

Steven and Vicki watch the Doctor being led away. She thinks that everything is all right now that the fight is over, but Steven is worried. He heads off to find some period clothing in case he has to go outside.

Before Achilles and the Doctor can leave for the camp, they are met by Odysseus and his sailors, who are also returning to camp after a fierce battle in which many Trojans were killed. Odysseus is rough and loud, no friend of Achilles. When the young warrior introduces the Doctor as Zeus, Odysseus is sceptical to say the least. Even though Achilles claims that Zeus helped him to kill the mighty Prince Hector, the Doctor's aspect does not inspire the confidence of Zeus. Odysseus' eye is caught by "Zeus' temple" - the TARDIS - as it sits on the plain. He goes to inspect it.

Inside, Steven returns to the control room in period costume just as Odysseus comes over. Vicki is frightened that he might get in and stops Steven from opening the doors to go out.

Odysseus dismissed the TARDIS as "a trifle modest" for a god such as Zeus. The Doctor doesn't care what he thinks and tries again to enter. Both Achilles and Odysseus block his way. Sceptical though he is, Odysseus isn't going to take any chances. If he is Zeus, the Greeks have need of his help. If he is not, he might be a Trojan spy and cannot be left on his own. Either way, he will come to the Greek camp.

Odysseus insists that the Doctor travel with him and his men to the camp, despite Achilles' protests. They take up the body of Hector as well and move off. Achilles hurries ahead to warn Agamemnon.

Steven watches this turn of events with dread. The Doctor is off getting involved in whatever is going on. He decides it is time to go out. However, Vicki stops him, thinking that everything is all right. The Doctor didn't appear to be in any danger and several of the men seemed to be treating him with a great deal of respect. Steven doesn't buy this argument and tries again to go outside. Vicki wants to come with him, especially when she realizes that if they are indeed in Greece, she might get to meet the great heroes of mythology. However, Steven points out that she can't move very well on the ankle she injured escaping from the Drahvins and that she would be better off staying put. Besides, those men with the Doctor certainly didn't look at all like heroes. Steven heads off to help the Doctor.

In the Greek camp, Agamemnon dines with his brother Menelaus. The latter is drunk - again - and whining about wanting to go home. This interminable war is not to his liking at all. Agamemnon points out, though, that it is because of his wife Helen that they are here at all. When Menelaus protests that this is not the first time he's had to fetch her back after she's been "abducted", Agamemnon has no sympathy. He knew what she was like when he married her. Family honour demands that he follow through with this war to get her back. Menelaus, however, believes that it is Agamemnon's desire for power that really turned this skirmish into a full-scale war.

Agamemnon reacts angrily to this, reminding his brother that this whole thing could have been settled if he had agreed to fight the Trojan King's son, Paris, in single combat. But it is clear that Menelaus is a cowardly layabout who could not have won against Paris, or anyone else. However, eager to have the matter settled, Agamemnon suggests Menelaus challenge Hector in Paris' stead.

But the argument and the contest are squashed when Achilles bursts into the tent with the news that Hector is dead, slain by Achilles' own hand. Menelaus is, of course, thrilled. Agamemnon wants to hear more, but Achilles speaks instead of the appearance of Zeus. When he explains that Odysseus mocked Zeus and essentially took him prisoner, the king is furious. He sends a guard to hurry Odysseus on his way.

Later, Odysseus appears, dragging the Doctor with him. Everyone in the tent, including Agamemnon, bows in obeisance to "Zeus". However, the Doctor takes the role too far while trying to convince Agamemnon that he is father of the gods. The Doctor tries to display his "supernatural knowledge", only to come off sounding ridiculous when he accuses the king's wife of being unfaithful. He also angers Agamemnon. The Doctor says he merely wants to be returned to his "temple" on the plain, but no one is willing to grant him that. Achilles wants his help in defeating Greece while Odysseus wants him killed as a Trojan spy. When Agamemnon will not side with either one, Odysseus storms off.

The Doctor, talking idly with Achilles, mentions that an end to this interminable war is near, Agamemnon is interested in what he has to say. However, he could still be a spy and his "prophesy" means only that the Trojans will win soon with his help. Agamemnon decides to place the Doctor under "reverent arrest". He will not be allowed to leave, but will be treated with hospitality and kindness. In exchange for this, "Zeus" will share with the king his knowledge and wisdom. The Doctor has no choice but to agree.

Later, after evening has fallen, Steven makes his way toward the Greek camp. However, he has been spotted by a rough-looking man with an eyepatch. The man observes Steven a moment more and then heads off toward the camp.

The man, called Cyclops, is a mute in the employ of Odysseus. Shortly, Cyclops reports to Odysseus what he has seen. Pleased, the general sends Cyclops back to watch "Zeus' temple" while he deals with the newcomer. Steven is taken by surprise as he enters the camp. Odysseus immediately suspects him of being a Trojan spy as well and threatens to kill him on the spot, but Steven denies knowing the "false god" now feasting with Agamemnon. Anxious to see them both proven liars and spies, Odysseus spares Steven and takes him to the king's tent.

Steven is unceremoniously tossed into the tent. Odysseus is in rare form, mocking his prisoner - speaking pointedly to Achilles - calling him a Trojan spy in the guise of Apollo. Steven denies being a god or a Trojan, but he must also deny knowing the Doctor. Agamemnon refuses to waste any more of his time on this and orders Steven's cut out for insolence and then released. But Odysseus knows that Steven came from "Zeus' temple" and decides to test the Doctor. The Doctor refuses to "divine" whether Steven is a spy or not and then he must agree that he should be killed just in case. When Odysseus goes to carry out the execution on the spot, the Doctor must think quickly. He claims the prisoner for sacrifice to Olympus. Zeus himself will carry out the execution, at dawn, at his temple on the plain. He promises to strike Steven down with a bolt of thunder to confirm his own divinity.

While the others are impressed with this prediction, Odysseus is distracted by the arrival of Cyclops. Through sign language, the mute servant passes a message to Odysseus. The general laughs heartily at the message, hoping that "Zeus" didn't have his heart set on performing that miracle at the temple as it has gone.

The Doctor reacts with horror to learn that his "temple" - his TARDIS - has disappeared...

Small Prophet, Quick Return (drn: 24'43" )

The next morning, Agamemnon and Odysseus lead the Doctor out to the plain where the TARDIS was. They find the "temple" gone, but evidence that it was carried into Troy.

Agamemnon's limited belief in the Doctor's divinity wavers dangerously. The only way left for him to prove himself is to destroy Steven with a thunderbolt. The Doctor tries one more bluff, but it does not work. The Doctor has no choice to admit that he is not Zeus and that Steven is a friend of his. He insists that they are not Trojans, but Agamemnon, furious that he has been made to look a fool, will not listen. He orders Odysseus to kill them and head back to his camp. Before Odysseus kills them, however, the general is interested to know who they are if not Trojans. The Doctor decides to tell him the truth...

Inside the city of Troy, Paris, son of King Priam, returns. His men bring the TARDIS into the square and deposit it there. King Priam, woken from sleep by all the commotion, comes out to meet his son. But he is more interested in whether Paris has killed Achilles and avenged his brother Hector's death. Paris lies and says that Achilles would not face him. Priam is unimpressed.

The King turns his attention to the blue box and is again unimpressed by his son's "prize". He is even more upset when Paris doesn't know what it is or what to do with it. When he suggests putting it in the temple, his sister, the prophetess Cassandra forbids it. Paris, not for the first time, must defend his actions against his bullying family. He refuses to move the TARDIS and insists that it be invested as a monument to his "initiative".

Cassandra continues to badger Paris about the strange object. When he slips up and admits that he simply found it - unguarded - on the plain, the prophetess reacts with anger and fear. She had a dream just last night that the Greeks had left a "gift" on the plain. When it was brought into the city, soldiers came out from inside it and killed them Trojans in their sleep. Paris protests that it is too small to contain more than 2 soldiers, but Cassandra tells him it only takes one to unbar the city gates.

Tired of the bickering, Priam proposes to open the thing and have done with it. He hacks at the door with a sword, but of course cannot get in. Cassandra decides it is better to destroy the box and calls for wood, oil, and fire to be brought.

Inside the ship, Vicki watches and listens intently on the scanner. Cassandra's plan worries her.

Steven completes the story of their time travelling and how they ended up in this time and place. He is now certain that Odysseus will kill them for sure. However, Odysseus is a man with an open mind - and an opportunistic bent. He believes their story, figuring they would have told one so outrageous if it wasn't true. The general actually proposes to release them, on the condition that the Doctor uses his "supernatural knowledge" to find a way to capture Troy. He is given just two days. If he fails, they both will die.

Inside Troy, the pyre has been built and Cassandra is ready to light the fire. Paris is desperate to stop the destruction of his "prize". Thinking quickly, he suggests that such a thing might not make an acceptable offering to the gods. Priam agrees and stops the sacrifice, asking a miffed Cassandra to ask the gods for a sign.

Cassandra turns her eyes skyward and beseeches the heavens. Just at that moment, Vicki emerges from the TARDIS in an elegant period gown. She looks more lovely than ever, smiling primly. She tells them that she is no god - Trojan or Greek - just a human being from the future. Cassandra believes her to be a rival priestess and takes an instant dislike. But Paris and King Priam are already taken by her and refuse to allow Cassandra to harm Vicki.

One thing Priam does dislike is Vicki's name. He doesn't think it suits her at all and renames her Cressida. The King's fatherly concern then turns to Cressida's well-being and they go off to get some food. Paris is sent back out to the plain to seek out and kill Achilles. Cassandra watches as Priam takes the false prophetess into the court, vowing to prove her false and strike her down.

Some time later, the Doctor and Steven are no closer to finding a way to defeat Troy than before. Losing patience, Steven asks why they can't just suggest the wooden horse of legend and be done with it. The Doctor, however, dismisses this out of hand. He is certain the horse was simply a dramatic device invented by Homer and nowhere near the truth. It is completely impractical.

Odysseus checks in on them and is less than happy with their lack of progress. The Doctor ignores this and tries to extract a promise from the general that Vicki will be spared during any attack on Troy. Odysseus is quite sceptical that his men will be interested in looking for one girl while fighting for their lives against the enemy, much to the disappointment of Steven and the Doctor.

Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a messenger. He announces that Paris has returned to the camp, calling for Achilles to come out and face him. Agamemnon has asked that Odysseus go instead and make an end to it. Insulted, the general refuses to go and sends the messenger away. Steven, however, sees an opportunity to do something useful. He asks if he can have a Greek uniform and "face" Paris. He can pretend to lose the battle and be taken back to Troy as a prisoner of war. Once inside, he could rescue Vicki and bring her back before the attack began. Odysseus fears that Steven may be killed in this foolish scheme, but he is impressed at the lad's courage and agrees. He will receive the name and the uniform of Diomede, a soldier recently killed in battle. The Doctor is also worried about the foolish nature of this idea, but he realizes it may be the only way to get Vicki out of Troy unharmed. He agrees, and Steven hurries off to change.

Odysseus then turns his attention back to the Doctor and his lack of progress on plans to defeat Troy. The Doctor firsts suggests tunnelling, which Odysseus dismisses. It has been tried before...and failed. Then the Doctor tries, somewhat desperately, flying machines. This novel idea intrigues the general.

Out on the plain, Paris calls for Achilles to come and face him, with little conviction...or volume! Just when he is ready to go, grateful that no one has come, Steven arrives on the plain, suited for battle. Steven introduces himself as Diomede, saying that Achilles cannot be bothered to come and face him. Steven has a fight on his hands just to get the reluctant Trojan to engage him. But, with enough insults and provocation, Paris draws his sword and the "fight" begins.

Despite his inexperience, Steven is much more aggressive and eager for the battle. It is all he can do to keep Paris in the fight. Realizing that he'll have to act quickly to keep from winning himself, he seizes an opportunity to trip and fall. A surprised Paris raises his sword to deliver the death blow when Steven yields and announces he is Paris' prisoner.

Taken aback by this, Paris tries to talk Steven into dying a valiant and honourable death, but Steven responds with grand talk of the mighty Paris, "Lion of Troy". Suddenly, Paris sees the value of taking a prisoner. No one talks this well of him back home! Steven lays it on thick, saying that no one can stand against the unconquerable Paris. He even agrees to repeat his words of praise back in Troy. Seeing the opportunity to raise his profile with his father, Paris agrees to take Steven back to Troy as a prisoner.

As Priam and Vicki/Cressida finish their dinner, their talk turns to the warn and how the city is faring. Talk of the horse gods of Troy sparks something in Vicki's memory, which she very nearly gives away. Depending on her knowledge of the future, Priam presses her to repeat the "story" she heard about the Trojan War, but she resists telling something that might change history. She changes the subject to Priam's youngest son Troilus. She thinks he's quite handsome, and the King is certain that he was taken with her as well. As he's had problems with his son and their taste in women already, he's always hoping Troilus especially would meet a nice girl like her and settle down.

Just as Priam exhausts this topic and turns back to Vicki's knowledge of this war, Paris bursts in, announcing the capture of a prisoner. Priam is less than impressed, but Paris badgers him enough to let the prisoner be brought in. However, the reaction is even worse when "Diomede" enters the dining hall. "Cressida" calls out his real name and he shushes her using her real name.

Cassandra, elsewhere in the hall, hears this exchange clearly and knows what it means. He is a Greek soldier and she is his friend, proof enough that "Cressida" is a Greek spy. Cassandra calls the guards forward and orders them both killed...

Death of a Spy (drn: 25'38")

Unbelievably, it is Paris who comes to Steven and Vicki's rescue. Unable to bear the thought of his prisoner and his prize being killed, he stands up to Cassandra and dismisses the guards. Cassandra is understandably furious. The two siblings snipe at each other for a while. Paris, then, turns to their father to arbitrate.

The King is upset at Cassandra's rashness and at Paris' opportunism. He believes that Paris' capture of one measly prisoner has inflated his ego beyond proportion. The reason for that is quickly obvious. Steven/Diomede starts up again with the "Lion of Troy" flattery, taking the entire family aback. It is clear that Paris will not be easily dismissed by them again.

However, Cassandra points out that Diomede and Cressida obviously know each other. If he is a Greek soldier, then how does the girl know him? Vicki is not allowed to venture a story in her defence. Instead, Priam intervenes. He tells her that all of Troy is tired of this long and protracted war. If she does know the future like she claims to do, she will use her powers to put an end to the war as a sign of good faith. If she does not do so within one day, she will be burned at the stake as a sorceress, a false prophet, or a spy. Cassandra will see to that. But Priam has every confidence in Vicki and gives her until tomorrow evening to accomplish this miracle.

That settled, the two prisoners are taken down to the dungeons. Vicki is a little alarmed at this, but Priam assures her they are quite comfortable. He himself often spends time there when he needs a little rest. Paris, with all the false bravado of the "Lion of Troy", orders them taken away.

In the Greek camp, Odysseus checks again on the Doctor's progress. Confident, the Doctor shows the general a blank piece of parchment. He then takes the parchment and folds it into a complex paper aeroplane. Odysseus is less than impressed by this. But the Doctor explains that he plans to build a whole fleet of flying machines like this in a much larger scale, each one capable of carrying a solider. The general asks how they will be launched and the Doctor describes a catapult made of oxide, a device unknown to Odysseus. The Doctor even produces an elastic band from his pocket and demonstrates with the model plane. Odysseus thinks this just may work, but is uncertain if any of his men would have the courage to ride on such a device. After thinking for a moment, he decides that he will build these flying machines and catapults and that the Doctor himself will be the first one to fly them. The Doctor is not amused.

Inside Troy, Vicki and Steven languish in adjacent cells. Neither is in very good humour and they snipe at each other like siblings, each one blaming the other for their predicament. Steven ends the argument by telling her that she had better think of a way out of here fast. He tells her of the Doctor's order from Odysseus to capture Troy in two days. One of those days is already almost gone. He and Vicki have exactly the same amount of time to do the opposite job. Steven also points out that should the Doctor succeed before her, Cassandra will likely kill them both long before the Doctor can rescue them. Vicki is sure that neither Paris nor Troilus - whom she is sure fancies her - will let Cassandra harm her. But that is all she's got to go on.

Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of pebbles flying in the cell window from outside and clattering on the stone floor. At the window appears Odysseus' servant Cyclops, who has followed Steven inside the city. Overjoyed, Steven gives Cyclops a message to deliver to Odysseus: to hold off the attack on Troy until the day after tomorrow, otherwise he and Vicki will be killed. It's not much, but it is all they have to hope for.

Cyclops just manages to get away before Troilus enters the cells from inside. He has heard voices but not what was said. Steven covers for the reason he is hanging so close to the window and Troilus buys it. They are safe. Troilus then turns his attention to "Cressida". He has brought her some food. It is clear that he wants to talk with her, but he has been forbidden to do so by his father. However, Vicki turns on the charm and he agrees to stay and eat with her.

In the Greek camp, Odysseus' anger is rising. He has half a company of men ready to make the Doctor's flying machines and the catapults are already constructed, and he has now learned that the Doctor has abandoned the idea of flying machines all together. Odysseus is sure that this is because the Doctor was too afraid to fly himself, but the Doctor assures him it is because the machines will not work. Growing angrier by the second, Odysseus proposes to launch the Doctor in a catapult - without a flying machine - if he does not come up with another idea immediately.

Under pressure, the Doctor proposes a horse - a giant wooden horse whose hollow belly is full of soldiers. Odysseus imagines the rest: The horse-worshipping Trojans would find the gift on the plain once the rest of the Greeks had sailed away, and would take the "gift" into their city where the soldiers could climb down and kill everyone inside.

Watched by a disgusted Steven, Troilus and Vicki/Cressida are in full flirting mode. She teases him about his fear that she may be a witch, laughing at his youth and inexperience. He protests that he is almost 17, but he confides in her that he doesn't care much for killing. He prefers adventure. They gaze deeply into each other's eyes, having found kindred spirits.

Odysseus and the Doctor bring their new plan to Agamemnon, complete with drawings. Menelaus is slow to grasp the concept. He listens to the description of the giant horse and thinks it sounds like the Great Horse of Asia which the Trojans worship. With that, everyone gets the picture. The Greeks will build the horse and fill it with soldiers. The rest of them will sail away, leaving the horse on the plain as if it came down from heaven and drove the Greeks away. When the horse is taken inside, the Greeks will return and take over the city of Troy.

Everyone agrees that this is the best idea and that it shall be done as the Doctor has devised. Odysseus announces that his Ithacan soldiers will be the ones inside the horse, and that the Doctor will accompany them. The Doctor isn't too fond of this idea, but he cannot refuse. The plan is accepted, despite the potential problems.

In the Trojan dungeon, Vicki finishes her meal and Troilus decides - reluctantly - to leave. Vicki asks if there is any food for "Diomede" and the usually gentle Troilus turns angry. Diomede is a Greek soldier, an enemy. It is good that he should starve, although the guards should toss him some scraps later. Vicki's displeasure at this is clear and Troilus works hard to regain her trust. However, his jealousy is beginning to get in the way. He understands that they are friends, but wonders if their relationship is more than that. She finally realizes what he's on about and assures him that she and Diomede are just friends. This seems to calm him down, and she even asks him to see about getting them released. He says he will try and then goes off.

Steven finally gets a say, berating Vicki for her shameless performance for Troilus. He doesn't realize that she really is fond of the young man. She at least has done something toward getting them released, and she's saved him some food.

Looking back on her conversation with Troilus, Vicki decides that she could be quite happy in this time and place if the situation were different. But Steven reminds her that they have very little time before the Doctor and the Greeks are due to invade the city. They can only hope that Cyclops got through to the Doctor with their message.

However, things are not going well for Cyclops. He has made it to the city gates, but not unobserved. An archer calls out for the little man to identify himself. Of course, the mute Cyclops cannot. He tries his gesture language to communicate, but the archer takes the silence as a hostile act. He lets fly with an arrow and kills Cyclops.

Later that night, construction on the Trojan Horse is completed. Odysseus is very pleased, sure that this plan will succeed, but the Doctor is worried that the whole thing will fall apart once it is filled with soldiers. The general takes no notice of this and orders the plan forward.

As the night drags on, Steven gets a bit desperate. He tries ramming his cell bars with his shoulder. All he succeeds in doing is hurting his shoulder. Vicki is unimpressed.

Still later, the Doctor, Odysseus and his soldiers are inside the horse. They have been waiting in the dark for some considerable time and the Doctor is none too happy about it. Peering out through the hatch, he thinks he sees movement below. Realizing it is Trojan soldiers coming to inspect the horse, he panics and tries to get out. Odysseus blocks his way and orders him still and silent. The Trojans have arrived.

Steven and Vicki have fallen asleep waiting for something to happen. As dawn breaks, Troilus bursts into the dungeon and opens Vicki's cell. He shakes her awake, telling her the news that the Greeks have all gone and that the war is over. Priam believes it is her doing and is very pleased with her. She is being released. Cassandra is obviously furious, but that doesn't matter now. When Vicki asks whether Steven is to be released, Troilus responds with jealousy again. He is the last Greek soldier and should rot in the dungeon. Troilus drags Vicki away.

Inside the horse, Odysseus is quietly triumphant as ropes are attached and the giant horse is wheeled into the city.

Troilus brings Vicki to King Priam, who praises her for delivering them from the Greeks. He wonders, however, why she didn't just tell them she was going to do that and save herself all those hours in the dungeon. Cassandra thinks she knows why - because this is simply treachery on the part of "Cressida" and her Greek friends. Priam dismisses this and Cassandra angrily.

Paris returns, confirming that all of the Greek ships have gone. Their encampment is empty. All are thrilled at this. But Paris reports something even more important: he has found the Great Horse of Asia. From the balcony of Priam's palace, they can just make out the head of the horse. King Priam is certain that the horse was the means of their deliverance from the Greeks. Cassandra is certain that it is an omen of disaster.

Vicki is aghast, and nearly voices this concern. Cassandra seizes on her slip and condemns her as a witch who has brought about the destruction of all Troy by way of this horse. Both Paris and Troilus defend "Cressida" and order Cassandra to be quiet. But the high priestess is in high dudgeon. She prophesies woe on the house of Priam and the whole of Troy.

Paris stops her short. She is too late to say "whoa" to the horse. He has just given orders to have it brought into the city...

Horse of Destruction (drn: 24'25")

Cassandra insists that she is right and that the horse will bring death and destruction to Troy. Paris mocks her, saying that her prediction about the little blue "temple" was wrong, and that she's wrong about this too. But Cassandra sees that her prediction was right - the entire family is besotted by the sorceress "Cressida". At this, Troilus realizes that Vicki has slipped out. Paris assumes she has gone down to the square to see the horse brought inside and Troilus goes after her. As he goes, Cassandra turns to Katarina, one of her handmaidens, and tells her to find Cressida first and bring her back here. Katarina obeys.

But Vicki is not in the square. She has gone down to the dungeon to rescue Steven. She does so and they head for the square.

The Doctor must endure the bumpy ride as the horse is brought into Troy, grumbling all the way. Odysseus silences him as the movement stops. Now, they wait.

The horse arrives safely in the square and Paris takes the opportunity to chide his sister. Nothing disastrous has happened yet. Paris, Priam and Cassandra head for the square to get a better look.

Steven and Vicki are already in the square, but must be careful as the Trojans begin mobbing the area. They hide in an alleyway. Steven's Greek uniform will make him a target of any soldier, and if they're seen together, everyone will know that she let him out. Vicki thinks she's safe as she was the one who "summoned" the horse, but Steven reminds her that it is not the gift Priam thinks it is. Once the soldiers come out, she'll be discredited. They both wonder if the Doctor is inside and what his plan is. They figure he must be trying to reach the TARDIS and they must wait until he comes out.

Vicki notices Katarina scanning the square. She recognizes her as Cassandra's handmaiden and knows she is looking for them. Steven urges her to go with Katarina. Priam and Cassandra will get worried if she isn't found. He will hide here. Besides, he chides, Troilus would die of jealousy if he were to know she was with Steven. She reacts angrily at the insinuation, but has to admit that she and Troilus are quite fond of each other. Steven reminds her that Troilus will be a victim of the Greeks as well as the others if she doesn't get him out of the city before Odysseus comes out of the horse.

Paris, Priam and Cassandra reach the square and mingle with the people as they marvel at the Great Horse of Asia. Troilus joins them with the news that Diomede has escaped from his cell. Cassandra blames this immediately on "the witch" Cressida and wants her burnt at the stake. Vicki finds the group and joins them. Troilus asks her point blank if she released Diomede. Paris answers for her, saying that she couldn't have, but Cassandra blames her sorcery. Priam cuts through the accusations and asks forgiveness for their suspicions. Peace, he says, will take a bit of getting used to. Cassandra instructs Katarina to stay with Vicki for "safety". As the King goes off with his family to address the people, Vicki takes a moment to thank him for protecting and caring for her. He says it was nothing, especially since she has saved the whole of the city. Vicki is stung by this, knowing full well what is about to happen.

Inside the horse, the Doctor has had enough of waiting. While Odysseus drones on about grabbing the glory of this victory from Agamemnon and Achilles, the Doctor tries to get the hatch open. Odysseus realizes what he's doing and actually encourages him to do so. As Odysseus has control of the rope, the Doctor will be forced to jump 40 feet down from the horse. Realizing this, the Doctor stops trying to get out, but steps up the insults toward the general. Finally, he has had enough and Odysseus puts his sword to the Doctor's throat. One more word and he will be Odysseus' first victim in Troy. This silences the Doctor. Odysseus realizes that the Greek ships should be returning to shore about now. The attack can soon begin...

In the palace, Vicki waits alone. She has sent Katarina to fetch Troilus back to her. When he arrives, Vicki urges him to go out of the city. She cannot tell him the truth and so concocts a story. She says she's sure Diomede is out on the plain and that Troilus should go out and recapture him so that he can prove himself as a warrior have the glory of his own prisoner. Naturally, Troilus erupts with jealousy over her concern for Diomede and asks if she is in love with him. Vicki says no, but still cannot get him to go out of the city. At last, though, she talks him into it, but only to please her. They part with a sadness as well as a happiness.

At last, night falls on Troy. Odysseus chooses this moment to emerge from the horse. The soldiers climb down the rope, followed by Odysseus and the Doctor. They all move out from the square, Odysseus forcing the Doctor to stay with him.

Meanwhile, Troilus is outside the city, searching for Diomede on the plain. Instead, he finds Achilles, who laughingly tells him that Diomede (the real Diomede) is long dead. This confuses Troilus, as does the presence of a Greek soldier when all were supposed to have gone away. He wonders whether Cressida has played him false.

The two warriors engage in battle, Troilus fighting not only with the anger of revenge for the murder of his brother Hector, but also with fear that Cressida has lied to him about many things. The two warriors fight hard and Troilus is wounded early on, but Troilus has the advantage in aggression and makes an end of Achilles. Now that his brother is avenged, he lives only to call down wrath on Diomede, for love of Cressida.

King Priam and Cassandra are holed up in the palace as the battle against Troy is in full swing. The gates have been opened and the Greek sailors have returned to join the battle. The streets are awash in blood. Paris enters the room, bleeding badly. He brings the news that Cassandra has been waiting for: the soldiers came from inside the horse and they are now overrunning the city.

But Cassandra has no time to enjoy the knowledge that she was right, for Odysseus bursts into the room. He has captured three members of the royal family.

In the chaos of the battle, the Doctor has found the TARDIS. Vicki, with Katarina in tow, meets up with him there. Their reunion is brief. The Doctor is concerned about Steven, but Vicki has something else very important she wants to say. When the Doctor will not listen, she changes tack. She tells Katarina to find Diomede where he is hiding and bring him to the Doctor's "temple". The Doctor wants to go together and find him, but Vicki forces him inside the ship to talk with him.

Katarina finds "Diomede", but he is not safely hidden. In fact, he has been found by a Trojan warrior and is engaged in a fight. Steven manages to defeat the Trojan, but not until he himself sustains a serious shoulder wound. Katarina goes to help him as he is weakening fast. She supports him as they head for the TARDIS.

In the palace, Odysseus has dealt with the royal family. Priam and Paris are dead; Cassandra has been kept alive. She is reserved for Agamemnon. She struggles against Odysseus, spitting invective and prophecies of doom against him and his people. Odysseus laughs this off, not realizing the truth of her words, and sends her off to Agamemnon's ship.

Katarina succeeds in getting Steven to the TARDIS. The Doctor and Vicki are there waiting. Both seem more agitated than usual. They all help Steven inside, just as Odysseus bursts through the crow and finds them. He claims the time machine as part of the spoils of war. As the Doctor faces down the Greek general, Vicki takes the opportunity to slip away. Her travels with the Doctor are over.

Odysseus won't listen to the Doctor's protests and sends his soldiers to seize the ship. The Doctor dashes inside and dematerializes. Vicki watches it go with a wistful look. Odysseus watches with wonder. Was the Doctor Zeus after all?

Out on the plain, Troilus watches as his city burns in the distance. He is still unsure as to whether Cressida betrayed them. As he watches, Vicki approaches. She explains that "Diomede" has gone with another friend of hers that Troilus never met. Not to Greece, as he initially suspects, but into the future.

Vicki sees Troilus' wound and is concerned. She tries to help him, but he is still preoccupied with the question of her possible betrayal. Vicki swears that she did not betray him or the city. She came back to tell him that...and to tell him that she loves him and wants to stay here with him. He looks sadly toward the burning city and she tells him they are the only two survivors. He is despondent that they have nowhere to go. But Vicki's love for him is obvious and he decides to put his hope and trust in "Cressida". They kiss for the first time.

Troilus notices movement nearby and recognizes the newcomers as his cousin Aeneas and his men. He wishes they had come sooner to help in the fight, but Cressida - no longer Vicki - realizes that they can join together with Aeneas and start again to build another Troy. A new beginning...

On board the TARDIS, the Doctor's adventures continue. Steven's shoulder wound has become infected. The bleeding has stopped, but he's become delirious. As he drifts between delirium and unconsciousness, he looks for Vicki and cannot understand why she is not here. The Doctor tries to explain that she wanted to stay behind with Troilus. Steven lapses into unconsciousness with Vicki's safety uppermost in his mind.

Katarina takes all this in most calmly. She believes that she is dead and that the Doctor is a god transporting her through the Beyond to the afterlife. She is peaceful and contented, if a bit confused. The Doctor is more concerned about Steven and cannot take the time to disabuse her of this notion. His only admonition is that he is not a god and she must call him Doctor.

Vicki's departure weighs heavily on the Doctor. He leaves Steven in Katarina's care and turns to the controls, hoping Vicki will be all right where she is.

The Doctor knows that he must find drugs to fight Steven's infection at their next point of landing, wherever it is...

Source: Jeff Murray

Continuity Notes:
  • The Doctor meets Vicki again in his eighth incarnation in the short story Apocrypha Bipedium, although Vicki's ignorance about regeneration causes her to think that the Eighth Doctor is firstly the First Doctor's past self and then conclude that he is actually a Dalek copy, like was created in The Chase.