Strings to Strings


  1. N. D. Hari Dass
    1. Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Retired), Chennai, India

  • Explains effective string theories with many self-contained chapters
  • Provides in a single book the technical information useful for many areas of high-energy physics
  • Is an essential reading for non-perturbative aspects of unitarity and analyticity in quantum field theories

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About this book

This book presents the essentials culminating in the effective string theory of flux tubes in meticulous technical and conceptual detail. The book is divided into four parts. Part One provides historical background, while Part Two (consisting of 14 chapters) covers the passage from Heisenberg's S-matrix theory to String Theory. This includes non-perturbative LSZ formalism, dispersion relations, Regge poles, duality and dual resonance models.

Part Three offers a comprehensive analysis of QCD, focusing on important concepts like asymptotic freedom and quark confinement. The section also delves into lattice gauge theories and effective descriptions of superconductivity and strong interactions. Part Four, the final two chapters, describe the lattice gauge theory determinations of Yang-Mills flux tubes in three and four dimensions and effective string theories, including their systematic constructions. These chapters provide detailed technical information to help readers, especially students, develop their expertise in these ideas.

This book is ideal for graduate students, postdocs, and senior researchers looking to deepen their understanding of effective string theory and related concepts.


Table of contents (22 chapters)

  1. The Background

  2. Heisenberg’s S-matrix to String Theory

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Authors and Affiliations

  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Retired), Chennai, India

    N. D. Hari Dass

About the author

N.D. Hari Dass earned his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and has since conducted research and taught at prestigious institutions worldwide, including the University of California, Los Angeles, the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, CERN in Geneva, NIKHEF in Amsterdam, the Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam, and KEK in Japan. He has also worked in India at the Raman Research Institute, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Chennai Mathematical Institute, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

Prof. Hari Dass is a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences in India and has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles on his research areas, which include lattice gauge theory, quantum field theory, gravitation and astrophysics, and foundations of quantum mechanics. He has extensive teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels in both the USA and India.

He is the author of the book "The Principles of Thermodynamics" (CRC Press, 2013), and the revised edition "The Essentials of Thermodynamics" (SRI Books, 2021).

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