V. I. Arnold
Department of Geometry and Topology, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow GSP-1, Russia
CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris Cedex 16e, France
G.-M. Greuel
Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
J. H. M. Steenbrink
Subfaculteit Wiskunde, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Toernooiveld, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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About this book
In July 1996, a conference was organized by the editors of this volume at the Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach to honour Egbert Brieskorn on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Most of the mathematicians invited to the conference have been influenced in one way or another by Brieskorn's work in singularity theory. It was the first time that so many people from the Russian school could be present at a conference in singularity theory outside Russia. This volume contains papers on singularity theory and its applications, written by participants of the conference. In many cases, they are extended versions of the talks presented there. The diversity of subjects of the contributions reflects singularity theory's relevance to topology, analysis and geometry, combining ideas and techniques from all of these fields, as well as demonstrating the breadth of Brieskorn's own interests. This volume contains papers on singularity theory and its applications, written by participants of the conference. In many cases, they are extended versions of the talks presented there. The diversity of subjects of the contributions reflects singularity theory's relevance to topology, analysis and geometry, combining ideas and techniques from all of these fields, as well as demonstrates the breadth of Brieskorn's own interests.
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Table of contents (21 chapters)
Classification and Invariants
Deformation Theory
Editors and Affiliations
Department of Geometry and Topology, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow GSP-1, Russia
V. I. Arnold
CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris Cedex 16e, France
V. I. Arnold
Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
G.-M. Greuel
Subfaculteit Wiskunde, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Toernooiveld, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
J. H. M. Steenbrink
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Singularities
Book Subtitle: The Brieskorn Anniversary Volume
Editors: V. I. Arnold, G.-M. Greuel, J. H. M. Steenbrink
Series Title: Progress in Mathematics
Publisher: Birkhäuser Basel
eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive
Copyright Information: Springer Basel AG 1998
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-0348-9767-9Published: 13 June 2012
eBook ISBN: 978-3-0348-8770-0Published: 06 December 2012
Series ISSN: 0743-1643
Series E-ISSN: 2296-505X
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: 488
Number of Illustrations: 1 b/w illustrations
Topics: Geometry