Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Didier Astruc
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Groupe Nanosciences Moléculaires et Catalyse UMR CNRS N° 5255, Université Bordeaux I, Talence Cedex, France
- First book for students
- Includes exercises and summaries after each chapter
- Organometallic chemistry is covered in the broadest possible way
- Includes supplementary material:
Table of contents (24 chapters)
History of Organometallic Chemistry
Structures of the Transition-Metal Complexes
The Stoichiometric Reactions of Transition-Metal Complexes
The Main Families of Organometallic Complexes
Authors and Affiliations
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Groupe Nanosciences Moléculaires et Catalyse UMR CNRS N° 5255, Université Bordeaux I, Talence Cedex, France
Didier Astruc
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis
Authors: Didier Astruc
Publisher: Springer Berlin, Heidelberg
eBook Packages: Chemistry and Materials Science, Chemistry and Material Science (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-46128-9Published: 02 August 2007
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-662-50086-6Published: 23 August 2016
eBook ISBN: 978-3-540-46129-6Published: 14 August 2007
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XII, 608
Additional Information: Original French edition published by EDP Sciences, 2000
Topics: Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Catalysis