Ronald S. Wilson (1933–1986) - Behavior Genetics
- ️Fri May 01 1987
Wilson, R. S. (1967). Analysis of autonomic reaction patterns.Psychophysiology 4:125–142.
Wilson, R. S. (1968). Autonomic research with twins: Methods of analysis. In Vandenberg, S. G. (ed.),Progress in Human Behavior Genetics, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md., pp. 287–302.
Wilson, R. S. (1972a). Twins: Early mental development.Science 175:914–917.
Wilson, R. S. (1972b). Similarity in developmental profile among related pairs of human infants.Science 178:1006–1007.
Wilson, R. S. (1974a): Twins: Mental development in the preschool years.Dev. Psychol. 10:580–588.
Wilson, R. S. (1974b). CARDIVAR: The statistical analysis of heart rate data.Psychophysiology 11:112–119.
Wilson, R. S. (1974c). Growth standards for twins from birth to four years.Ann. Hum. Biol. 1:57–64.
Wilson, R. S. (1975a). Twins: Patterns of cognitive development as measured on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence.Dev. Psychol. 11:126–134.
Wilson, R. S. (1975b). Analysis of developmental data: Comparison among alternative methods.Dev. Psychol. 11:676–680.
Wilson, R. S. (1976). Concordance in physical growth for monozygotic and dizygotic twins.Ann. Hum. Biol. 3:1–11.
Wilson, R. S. (1977). Twins and siblings: Concordance for school-age mental development.Child Dev. 48:211–216.
Wilson, R. C. (1978). Synchronies in mental development: An epigenetic perspective.Science 202:939–948.
Wilson, R. S. (1979a). Analysis of longitudinal twin data: Basic model and applications to physical growth measures.Acta Genet. Med. Gemellol. 28:93–105.
Wilson, R. S. (1979b). Twin growth: Initial deficit, recovery, and trends in concordance from birth to nine years.Ann. Hum. Biol. 6:205–220.
Wilson, R. S. (1982). Intrinsic determinants of temperament. In Porter, R., and Collins, G. (eds.),Temperamental Differences in Infants and Young Children: Ciba Foundation Symposium 89, Pitman, London, pp. 121–140.
Wilson, R. S. (1983). The Louisville Twin Study: Developmental synchronies in behavior.Child Dev. 54:298–316.
Wilson, R. S. (1984). Twins and chronogenetics: Correlated pathways of development.Acta Genet. Med. Gemellol. 33:149–157.
Wilson, R. S. (1985). Risk and resilience in early mental development.Dev. Psychol. 21:795–805.
Wilson, R. S. (1986a). Continuity and change in cognitive ability profiles.Behav. Genet. 16:45–60.
Wilson, R. S. (1986b). Twins: Genetic influence on growth and maturation. In Malina, R. M., and Bouchard, C. (eds.),Sports and Human Genetics, Human Kinetics, Champaign, Ill., pp. 1–21.
Wilson, R. S., and Bartels, B. L. (1968). Cardiac responses: Stability of principal components and individual differences.J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 65:132–139.
Wilson, R. S., and Harpring, E. B. (1972). Mental and motor development in infant twins.Dev. Psychol. 7:277–287.
Wilson, R. S., and Matheny, A. P., Jr. (1980). Conference on temperament research: Abstracts of presentations.JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, Whole No. 10.
Wilson, R. S., and Matheny, A. P., Jr. (1983). Assessment of temperament in infant twins.Dev. Psychol. 19:172–183.
Wilson, R. S., and Matheny, A. P., Jr. (1986). Behavior-genetics research in infant temperament: The Louisville Twin Study. In Plomin, R., and Dunn, J. (eds),The Study of Temperament: Changes, Continuities and Challenges, Lawerence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, N.J., pp. 81–97
Wilson, R. S., and Scott, K. K. (1970). Computer programs for autonomic research.Behav. Sci. 15:380–385.
Wilson, R. S., Brown, A. M., and Matheny, A. P., Jr. (1971). Emergence and persistence of behavioral differences in twins.Child Dev. 42:1381–1398.
Matheny, A. P., Jr., Dolan, A. B., and Wilson, R. S. (1976). Twins: Within-pair similarity on Bayley's Infant Behavior Record.J. Genet. Psychol. 128:263–270.
Matheny, A. P., Jr., Wilson, R. S., Dolan, A. B., and Krantz, J. Z. (1981). Behavioral contrast in twinships: Stability and patterns of differences in childhood.Child Dev. 52:579–588.
Matheny, A. P., Jr., Wilson, R. S., and Nuss, S. N. (1984). Toddler temperament: Stability over ages and across settings.Child Dev. 55:1200–1211.
Matheny, A. P., Jr., Riese, M. L., and Wilson, R. S. (1985). Rudiments of infant temperament: Newborn to nine months.Dev. Psychol. 21:486–494.