A topological proof of the bott periodicity theorems - Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)

  • ️Lashof, R.
  • ️Fri Dec 01 1961


A proof is given of theBott periodicity theorems using only well known techniques of algebrdbc topology.

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  1. Chicago, U.S.A.

    E. Dyer & R. Lashof


  1. E. Dyer

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  2. R. Lashof

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To Enrico Bompiani on his scientific Jubilee.

This research was done in part while the first author held a Sloan Foundation Fellowship and the second author held a Senior National Science Foundation Fellowhip. It was also supported in part by the National Science Foundation under contract number G-10369.

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Dyer, E., Lashof, R. A topological proof of the bott periodicity theorems. Annali di Matematica 54, 231–254 (1961).

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  • Issue Date: December 1961

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