Developmental anatomy of the shoot apical cell, rhizophore and root ofSelaginella uncinata - Journal of Plant Research

  • ️Kato, Masahiro
  • ️Fri Sep 01 1989


The developmental anatomy of the shoot apex, rhizophore and root ofSelaginella uncinata was examined by the semi-thin section method. The shoot apex has a single, lens-shaped apical cell with two cutting faces. Rhizophore primordia are initiated exogenously at the branching point of the second youngest lateral shoot. The rhizophore apex has a tetrahedral apical cell with three cutting faces. A pair of root primordia is initiated endogenously from inner cells of the rhizophore apex, after the rhizophore apical cell becomes unidentifiable losing its activity, and subsequently a root cap is formed from the distal face of the root apical cell. During the course of successive root branching the apical cell in an original root apical meristem becomes unidentifiable and then a new apical cell is initiated in each of the bifurcated root apical meristems. The root branching mode seems to be equivalent to the described dichotomous branching mode of fern shoots. Our results demonstrate a distinct morphogenetical difference between the rhizophore and the root, and confirm the exogenous origin of the rhizophore, as described for other species ofSelaginella. This evidence indicates that the rhizophore is not an aerial root but a leafless, root-producing axial organ.

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  1. Faculty of Agriculture, Tamagawa University, 6-1-1 Tamagawagakuen, Machida, 194, Tokyo

    Ryoko Imaichi

  2. Botanical Gardens, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 3-7-1 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, 112, Tokyo

    Masahiro Kato


  1. Ryoko Imaichi

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  2. Masahiro Kato

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Imaichi, R., Kato, M. Developmental anatomy of the shoot apical cell, rhizophore and root ofSelaginella uncinata . Bot. Mag. Tokyo 102, 369–380 (1989).

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  • Received: 13 February 1989

  • Accepted: 18 May 1989

  • Issue Date: September 1989

  • DOI:

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