Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater
- ️Sat Jan 01 2005
A review of the research on the kinetics of nitrification and denitrification is presented including an explanation of reaction engineering models. The results of laboratory scale experiments with high rate nitrification processes are discussed using kinetic results for oxygen limitation as well as for substrate limitation and inhibition. It can be demonstrated that reaction engineering models are helpful for a better understanding of the processes and for the design of reactors. Pilot scale investigations from the last 15 years show remarkable advances in the increase in nitrification efficiency and in the stabilization of the process. The time is ripe for nitrogen removal from industrial effluents in full scale processes!
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- c:
: -
bacteria concentration as odm (organic dry matter) M/L3
c′: -
concentration of dissolved oxygen M/L3
: -
decay coefficient 1/T
: -
endogenous respiration coefficient 1/T
K′: -
oxygen saturation coefficient M/L3
: -
saturation coefficient for the unionized substrate M/L3
: -
inhibition coefficient for the unionized substrate M/L3
: -
saturation coefficient for the ionized substrate M/L3
: -
inhibition coefficient for the ionized substrate M/L3
Ka, Kb
: -
equilibrium constants for dissociation of the substrate M/L3
: -
recycle ratio
: -
thickening ratio
r: -
reaction rate M/L3T
r′: -
oxygen utilization rate M/L3T
: -
real maximal oxygen utilization rate M/L3T
: -
growth rate M/L3T
: -
decay rate M/L3T
\(r_{o_2 s}\)
: -
oxygen utilization rate for substrate removal (e.g. ammonia) M/L3T
\(r_{o_2 e}\)
: -
oxygen utilization rate for endogenous respiration M/L3T
S: -
Monod or Haldane term (Eq. 42)
T: -
temperature ‡C
t: -
time T
: -
(hydraulic) mean residence time T
: -
sludge age (mean residence time of bacteria) T
Μ: -
specific growth rate 1/T
: -
maximal specific growth rate 1/T
: -
real maximal specific growth rate 1/T
o: -
a: -
effluent, reactor
M: -
mixing point
R: -
recycle flow
ü: -
surplus sludge
k: -
max: -
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Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Technische UniversitÄt Berlin, StraΒe des 17. Juni 135, D-10623, Berlin, FRG
U. Wiesmann
- U. Wiesmann
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Wiesmann, U. (1994). Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater. In: Biotechnics/Wastewater. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol 51. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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Published: 30 September 2005
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-540-57319-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-540-48062-4
eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive