Phylogenetic position of African and Malagasy Pimpinella species and related genera (Apiaceae, Pimpinelleae) - Plant Systematics and Evolution

  • ️Downie, Stephen R.
  • ️Sat Jul 31 2010


The phylogenetic position of the African and Malagasy species of Pimpinella is assessed using nrDNA ITS sequence data and a representative sampling of the genus, including 16 species from Africa and Madagascar and 26 species from Eurasia. The results of maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of these data show that the African and Malagasy species ally with their Eurasian counterparts in Pimpinelleae. The genus Pimpinella is rendered paraphyletic by the inclusion of African Cryptotaenia and the small African and Malagasy endemic genera Frommia and Phellolophium. Within a paraphyletic Pimpinella, three major clades are recovered, with the African species occupying two of these clades. The current sectional classification of the genus, based predominantly on fruit vestiture, is largely artificial. Chromosome base number, however, was found to be consistent with the groupings recovered in the molecular analyses. Those African and Malagasy Pimpinella species with a chromosome base number of x = 11 and largely glabrous petals and fruits, form the earliest diverging clade together with Frommia, which also has a base count of n = 11 and glabrous petals and fruits. The remaining African species ally with several Eurasian species of Pimpinella and share a chromosome base number of x = 9 and usually hairy petals and fruits.

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The authors thank the curators and staff of K, MO, NBG, P and PRE who kindly made their specimens available for study, and the University of Johannesburg, the South African Biosystematics Initiative, the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the USA National Science Foundation (DEB 0089452) for funding.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, P.O. Box 524, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa

    Anthony Richard Magee, Ben-Erik van Wyk & Patricia M. Tilney

  2. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Compton Herbarium, Private Bag X7, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735, South Africa

    Anthony Richard Magee

  3. Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA

    Stephen R. Downie


  1. Anthony Richard Magee

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  2. Ben-Erik van Wyk

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  3. Patricia M. Tilney

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  4. Stephen R. Downie

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Correspondence to Anthony Richard Magee.


Appendix 1: Voucher information for fruit material studied in transverse section

Cryptotaenia DC.: C. africana (Hook. f.) Drude, Verdecourt 2481 (PRE); C. canadensis (L.) DC., PRE0866713 (PRE), Howler 11047 (PRE). Frommia H.Wolff: F. ceratophylloides H.Wolff, Hooperet al. 1844 (K). Pimpinella L.: P. acutidentata Norman, Fanshawe s.n. (K); P. betsileensis Sales & Hedge, Humbert 28087 (P); P. buchananii H.Wolff, Milne-Redhead 9045A (K); P. caffra D.Dietr. subsp. caffra, Hilliard & Burtt 9777 (K); P. caffra subsp. conopodioides C.C.Towns., Pawek 9268 (K); P. ebracteata Baker, Baron 929 (K); P. hirtella A.Rich., Ash 2677 (MO); P. huillensis Welw. ex. Engl., Milne-Redhead 10894 (K); P. lindblomii H.Wolff, Gilbert 6531 (K); P. oreophila Hook.f., Townsend 2428 (K); P. perrieri Sales & Hedge, Boissier 8622 (P); P. tenuicaulis Baker, Baron 3241 (MO); P. transvaalensis H.Wolff, Miller 5910 (K); P. trifurcata H.Wolff, Jean Pawek 13923 (MO). Phellolophium Baker: P. madagascariense Baker, Pettersson & Nillssan 359 (K).

Appendix 2: Voucher information of ITS sequences with corresponding voucher specimens (for the new accessions) and GenBank accession numbers

New accessions of PimpinellaL.P. alismatifolia C.C.Towns., FM986448; Bidgoodet al. 3564 (K). P. buchananii H.Wolff, FM986455; Winter 4179 (PRE). P. buchananii H.Wolff, FM986456; Winter 4188 (PRE). P. caffra D.Dietr., FM986447; Van Wyket al. 4233 (JRAU). P. favifolia C.Norman, FM986458; Winter 3992 (PRE). P. favifolia C.Norman, FM986453; Phillips 1612 (MO). P. huillensis Welw. ex. Engl., FM986443; Biegel 3461 (PRE). P. huillensis Welw. ex. Engl., FM986454; Fanshawe 1011 (P). P. hirtella A.Rich., FM986444; De Wide 6578 (PRE). P. krookii H.Wolff, FM986445; Hilliard & Burtt 14439 (K). P. kyimbilaensis H.Wolff, FM986452; Gereauet al. 3150 (MO). P. ledermannii H.Wolff subsp. engleriana (H.Wolff) C.C.Towns., FM986457; de Witte 6205 (PRE). P. oreophila Hook.f., FM986450; Abebe 1124 (MO). P. perrieri Sales & Hedge, FM986460; Boissier 16.027 (P). P. rigidistyla C.C.Towns., FM986459; Gereau & Kayombo 3987 (MO). P. transvaalensis H.Wolff, FM986449; Winter s.n. (PRE). P. trifurcata H.Wolff, FM986446; LaCroix 4284 (PRE). P. sp. B, FM986451; Brummittet al. 16990 (MO). Published GenBank accessions.Aphanopleura capillifolia (Regel & Schmalh.) Lipsky, DQ516368h. Aphanopleura trachysperma Lipsky, AF008629e, AF009108e. Arafoe aromatica Pimenov & Lavrova, AF077874c. Arafoe aromatica Pimenov & Lavrova, U78383b, U78443b. Bunium bulbocastanum L., DQ443722j, DQ443724j. Crithmum maritimum L., AH003474a. Cryptotaenia africana (Hook. f.) Drude, DQ516370h. Cryptotaenia africana (Hook. f.) Drude, DQ516371h. Cryptotaenia calycina C.C.Towns., DQ516372h. Deverra burchellii (DC.) Eckl. & Zeyh., AM408887i. Frommia ceratophylloides Wolff, DQ647630h. Nothosmyrnium japonicum Miq., DQ516367h. Oedibasis platycarpa Koso-Pol., AF008632d, AF009111d. Phellolophium madagascariense Baker, DQ647627h. Phellolophium madagascariense Baker, DQ647628h. Phellolophium madagascariense Baker, DQ647629h. P. affinis Ledeb., AY581780g. P. anisetum Boiss. & Balansa, AY581781g. P. anisum L., AY581782g. P. aromatica M.Bieb., AY581784g. P. aurea DC., AY581785g. P. betsileensis Sales & Hedge, DQ647626h. P. cappadocica Boiss. & Balansa, AY581786g. P. corymbosa Boiss., AY581787g. P. cretica Poir., AY581789g. P. cretica Poir., AY581788g. P. diversifolia DC., DQ516369h. P. eriocarpa Sol., AY581790g. P. flabellifolia (Boiss.) Benth. & Hook. f., AY581791g. P. isaurica Matthews, AY581792g. P. kotschyana Boiss., AY581793g. P. kotschyana Boiss., DQ516373h. P. lutea Desf., DQ516374h. P. niitakayamensis Hayata, DQ516375h. P. nudicaulis Trautv., AY581794g. P. oliverioides Boiss. & Hausskn., AY581795g. P. paucidentata Matthews, AY581796g. P. peregrina L., AY581797g. P. peucedanifolia Fischer ex Ledeb., AY581798g. P. puberula (DC.) Boiss., AY581799g. P. rhodantha Boiss., AY581800c. P. saxifraga L., AY581801g. P. sintenisii H.Wolff, AY581802g. P. tragium Vill., AY581803g. P. tragium Vill., AY581804g. P. tragium Vill., AY581805g. Psammogeton biternatum Edgew., AF164839f, AF164864f. Psammogeton canescens (D.C.) Vatke, AF008630e, AF009109e. Pyramidoptera cabulica Boiss., AF008631d. Stoibrax dichotomum (L.) Raf., DQ516366h.

Downie and Katz-Downie (1996)a; Downie et al. (1998)b; Valiejo-Roman et al. (1998)c; Katz-Downie et al. (1999)d; Lee and Downie (1999)e; Downie et al. (2000)f; Tabanca et al. (2005)g; Spalik and Downie (2007)h; Winter et al. (2008)i; Degtjareva et al. (2009)j.

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Magee, A.R., van Wyk, BE., Tilney, P.M. et al. Phylogenetic position of African and Malagasy Pimpinella species and related genera (Apiaceae, Pimpinelleae). Plant Syst Evol 288, 201–211 (2010).

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  • Received: 23 March 2010

  • Accepted: 01 July 2010

  • Published: 31 July 2010

  • Issue Date: September 2010

  • DOI:
