Skyscraper Height - The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

  • ️Barr, Jason
  • ️Thu Sep 23 2010


This paper investigates the determinants of skyscraper height. First a simple model is provided where potential developers desire not only profits but also social status. In equilibrium, height is a function of both the costs and benefits of construction and the heights of surrounding buildings. Using data from New York City, I empirically estimate skyscraper height over the 20th century. Via spatial regressions, I find evidence for height competition, which increases during boom times. In addition, I provide estimates of which buildings are economically “too tall” and by how many floors.

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  1. Besides a possible “ego prize,” the tallest developer can reap extra rents from an observation deck, a top floor restaurant, etc. Thus it is possible that the desire to be the tallest building can, in some respects, be a rational response to the economic environment.

  2. To the best of my knowledge, no work has explored the relationship between rents and height. However, it seems reasonable to assume that rents, in general, rise either linearly or at a diminishing rate (with possible discrete jumps for the region’s tallest building). There is strong evidence that, after some height, costs increase at an increasing rate (Clark and Kingston 1930; Chau et al. 2007). Furthermore, one could argue that adding extra height creates a rent premium for all floors. However, it is more likely that rent premiums emerge from the quality of the building as a whole (such as its architectural style and interior amenities) rather than from the height per se (Vandell and Lane 1989; Colwell and Ebrahim 1997; Doiron et al. 1992).

  3. Though beyond the scope of this paper, “too tall” buildings, can present both costs and benefits to cities themselves. For example, a super-tall tower can present situations where the long run social benefits are greater than the private benefits. The Empire State Building is an example of this because of its iconic stature. Too tall buildings can also add additional infrastructure and congestion costs. Investigating these issues are left for future work.

  4. Their fictional plot size of 81,000 ft2 would be in the 87th percentile for plot size in my data set; it would be in the 91st percentile for plot size for buildings completed before 1950. For comparison, the Empire State Building has a plot area of 91,351 ft2 (with 102 floors), and the Chrysler Building’s plot area is 37,525 ft2 (with 77 floors).

  5. Their building’s estimated return on investment was “rational” given 1929 land and rent values. However, if Clark and Kingston had forecasted that rents would soon turn down from their 1929 peaks (and vacancy rates were to go up), 63 stories would most likely not have been the optimal height. As is famously noted, after the opening of the Empire State Building in 1930, it become known as the “Empty State Building” because of the Great Depression (Tauranac 1995).

  6. Note that I use the word “optimal” to represent the height that provides the maximum return to the builder. I do not investigate the effects of height on social welfare.

  7. Also, I make the simplification that expectations about future income streams don’t play a role. Clearly whether expectations are myopic or rational, for example, can impact building height, but this is not investigated here.

  8. Other important innovations include the development of caissons for digging through lower Manhattan’s quicksand to reach bedrock. Engineers also had to learn how to brace skyscrapers against the fierce winds. New building machines, such as cranes and derricks, had to be built. In addition, new methods of heating, cooling, lighting and plumbing were created (Landau and Condit 1996).

  9. In the empirical section below, I do not directly address the issue of technological change and how it has affected building height over the 20th century. I do, however, use an indirect measure by including an index of real building materials costs. This index peaked in 1979. Between 1979 and 2003, real constructions costs fell 15%. In 2003, the index was roughly the same value as it was in 1947.

  10. “In a two times district no building shall be erected to a height in excess of twice the width of the street, but for each one foot that the building or a portion of it sets back from the street line four feet shall be added to the height limit of such building or such portion thereof” (Building Zoning Resolution, 1916, Section 8(d)).

  11. One intention of 1961 plan was to reduce the maximum allowable population density. Under the 1916 zoning rules, the city would have been able to house a maximum population of 55.6 million. The 1961 zoning code was designed to house a maximum of 12.3 million (Bennett 1960). In 2006, the population of New York City was 8.21 million (

  12. In regard to the 1875 New York Tribune building, Wallace (2006) writes, “The nine-story height insured that the tower would be taller than any existing New York office building and was thus neither an arbitrary choice of height nor one based on the functional space requirements of the newspaper. The design of the Tribune building was primarily governed by the enhanced public image that would be garnered for the newspaper and only tangentially by the potential economic benefits of building tall” (p. 179).

  13. As a matter of convention, 0’s are assigned along the main diagonal, so that no building is connected to itself.

  14. On average, a 100 meter building has about 30 floors. In this sample, the average number of feet per floor is 12.62, with a standard deviation of 1.81. In general, the relationship between meters and floors is given by the OLS-derived equation: \(\widehat{f\/loors}=\underset{\left( 5.9\right) }{5.3}\)+\( \underset{\left( 39.2\right) }{0.227} \text{ \rm m}.\) R2 = 0.77. 458 observations. t-stats. below estimates.

  15. A spatial error model would posit the following relationship: \(\mathbf{h}= \mathbf{X}{\boldsymbol \alpha} +\boldsymbol {\varepsilon }\), where \(\boldsymbol \varepsilon =\boldsymbol \gamma {\bf W}\boldsymbol \varepsilon +\boldsymbol \epsilon\), i.e., the error term has spatial autocorrelation.

  16. Descriptive statistics for the instruments as well as IV test results are available upon request. Also note that the OLS regressions given in Table 4, Eq. 1 are very similar to results of the instrumental variables regression.

  17. As documented in Willis (1992), the original developers of the Empire State Building site estimated that a 50 story building would profit maximizing. Furthermore, the original plans for the Word Trade Center called for a 72 story World Trade Mart building, as the center of the complex (Gillespie 1999).

  18. Across all buildings in the sample, the average spatial factor is 32.5 ft (about 2.5 floors), with a standard deviation of 27.7 ft.

  19. Note that does not contain the entire population of 100 meter or taller buildings. Based on a comparison of the website with, it appears the under represents residential buildings,


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I would like to thank Alexander Peterhansl, Howard Bodenhorn, Peter Loeb, Kusum Mundra and Sara Markowitz for their excellent comments. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2008 NBER Summer Institute on the Development of the American Economy, and seminars at Lafayette College, Hunter College, Queens College and Fordham University; I thank the participants for their helpful comments. I would like to acknowledge the New York City Hall Library, the New York City Department of City Planning and the Real Estate Board of New York for the provision of data. This work was partially funded from a Rutgers University, Newark Research Council Grant. Any errors are mine.

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  1. Department of Economics, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, 07102, USA

    Jason Barr


  1. Jason Barr

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Correspondence to Jason Barr.


Appendix A: Proofs

Lemma 1

For \(\lambda \in \left[ 0,\overline{\lambda }\right] \) , there is a unique value of h, h  ∗ , such that \(h^{\ast }=\arg \max_{h\in R_{+}}u_{i}\left( h\right).\)


For λ = 0, \(h^{\ast }=\arg \max_{h\in R_{+}}\pi \left( h^{\ast }\right) ,\) which is unique by definition. For λ > 0, at h = 0, \(\pi \left( 0\right) +\lambda F\left( 0\right) =0.\) Recall \(F\left( h\right) \) bounded by one. Further, since profit is single-peaked and strictly concave, there exits and \(\tilde{h},\) such that, \(\pi \left( \tilde{ h}\right) +\bar{\lambda}=0.\) Thus for \(h\in \left[ 0,\tilde{h}\right] ,\) there must be a global maximum, since the contribution of \(\lambda F\left( h\right) \) to utility is bounded and adding \(\lambda F\left( h\right) \) to \( \pi \left( h\right) \) preserves the single peaked nature of the utility function when \(h\in \left[ 0,\tilde{h}\right] .\)

Lemma 2

h  ∗  > h c for \(\lambda \in \left( 0,\overline{\lambda }\right] ;\) h  ∗  = h c for λ = 0.


If λ = 0, then h  ∗  = h c will be equal since the “status” developer is maximizing the same function as the “competitive” developer. If \(0<\lambda \leq \overline{\lambda },\) then given Lemma (1), there exists a unique h  ∗ ,such that \(u^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) =\pi ^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +\lambda f\left( h^{\ast }\right) =0,\) or \(\pi ^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) =-\lambda f\left( h^{\ast }\right) ,\) where \(f\left( h^{\ast }\right) >0.\) Given that \(\pi \left( h\right) \) is single-peaked, and \(F\left( h\right) \) is increasing, the optimal building height is therefore taller than a building where \(\pi ^{\prime }\left( h\right) =0;\) that is, h  ∗  will be chosen along the negatively sloped portion of the profit function beyond the peak of \(\pi \left( h\right) \).□

Lemma 3

h  ∗  is strictly increasing with λ.


For a given h  ∗ , the utility function is at a global maximum and therefore \(u^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) =0,\) and \(u^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) =\pi ^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) <0.\) The first order condition gives \( \pi ^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +\lambda f\left( h^{\ast }\right) =0.\) Taking derivatives via the Implicit Function Theorem gives \(dh^{\ast }/d\lambda =-f\left( h^{\ast }\right) /\left[ \pi ^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) \right] >0.\)

Lemma 4

dh  ∗ / > 0.


As above, \(u^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast },\theta \right) =0,\) and \( u^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast },\theta \right) =\pi ^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) <0.\) Via the Implicit Function Theorem \(dh^{\ast }/d\theta =-\left( \partial ^{2}\pi /\partial h\partial \theta \right) /\left[ \pi ^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +\lambda f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) \right] >0,\) since \(\partial ^{2}\pi /\partial h\partial \theta >0\), by assumption.

Lemma 5

dh  ∗ / > 0.


\(u^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) =\pi ^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +\lambda f\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) =0,\) and \(u^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) =\pi ^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) <0.\) Via the Implicit Function Theorem, \(dh^{\ast }/d\eta =-\lambda f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) /\pi ^{\prime \prime }\left( h^{\ast }\right) +f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) >0,\) since \(f^{\prime }\left( h^{\ast },\eta \right) =\partial ^{2}F/\partial h\partial \eta >0,\) by assumption.□

Lemma 6

l  ∗  is monotonically increasing in λ; l  ∗  = l c, when λ = 0.


Given the optimal height for a plot, h  ∗ , land value is given by \(l^{\ast }=\pi \left( h^{\ast }\left( \lambda \right) \right) +\lambda _{i}F\left( h^{\ast }\left( \lambda _{i}\right) \right) -r.\) By the Implicit Function Theorem, \(dl^{\ast }/d\lambda =F\left( h^{\ast }\right) >0\) . If λ = 0, land value is simply given by \(l^{\ast }\left( \lambda _{i}\right) =\pi \left( h^{c}\right) -r,\) since h c maximizes profit.□

Lemma 7

Given the monotonicity of l  ∗ , the minimum and maximum land values for a plot of land is l c and \(\bar{l}^{\ast }=\pi \left( h^{\ast }\right) +\overline{\lambda } F\left( h^{\ast }\right) -r,\) respectively.


If λ = 0, \(l^{\ast }=l^{c}=l\left( h^{c}\right) =\pi \left( h^{c}\right) -r,\) where \(l^{\prime }\left( h^{c}\right) =\pi ^{\prime }\left( h^{c}\right) =0.\;\)As discussed in lemma (4), for λ > 0, since l  ∗  is strictly increasing in λ, and λ has a maximum of \(\bar{\lambda},\) no developer would be willing to pay more than \(\bar{l}^{\ast }\)

Lemma 8

Given that \(\lambda \sim U\left[ 0,\overline{ \lambda }\right] ,\) the pdf for land valuations is given by \(k\left( l^{\ast }\right) =\left\{ \begin{array}{c} \frac{1}{\overline{\lambda }F\left( h^{\ast }\right) },l\in \left[ l^{c}, \bar{l}^{\ast }\right] \\ 0,\rm{ otherwise} \end{array} \right\} ;\) with a cdf of K \(\left( l^{\ast }\right) =\frac{l^{\ast }-l^{c}}{ \overline{\lambda }F\left( h^{\ast }\right) },\,l\in \left[ l^{c},\bar{l} ^{\ast }\right] \) .


Recall that \(l^{\ast }\left( \lambda \right) =\left[ \pi \left( h^{\ast }\right) -r\right] +\lambda F\left( h^{\ast }\right) .\) Since \( \lambda \sim U\left[ 0,\overline{\lambda }\right] ,\) \(g\left( \lambda \right) =\frac{1}{\overline{\lambda }}.\) The pdf of \(l^{\ast }\left( \lambda \right) \) follows from the formula for a change of distribution for a function of a random variable that has a uniform distribution: \(k\left( l^{\ast }\right) =\frac{d\lambda }{dl^{\ast }}g\left( \lambda \right) =\frac{ 1}{F\left( h^{\ast }\right) }\frac{1}{\overline{\lambda }}\). Note that \(l^{c}=\pi \left( h^{\ast }\right) -r.\) The cdf follows from K \(\left( l^{\ast }\right) =\frac{1}{\overline{\lambda }F\left( h^{\ast }\right) } \int_{l^{c}}^{l^{\ast }}dx=\frac{l^{\ast }-l^{c}}{\overline{\lambda }F\left( h^{\ast }\right) }\).□

Proposition 1

Given each agent’s land valuation function, and that the status parameter has a \(U\left[ 0,\overline{\lambda }\right] \) distribution, there exists a unique, symmetric equilibrium of the land auction game such that each agent’s bid is given by \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) =\frac{\left( N-1\right) l^{\ast }+l^{c}}{N}\) .


Note that this proof is adapted and condensed from Krishna (2002), to which the reader is referred for more information. Let’s say there are N bidders, each with private valuation of \(l_{i}^{\ast }\left( \lambda _{i}\right) ,\) where \(l_{i}^{\ast }\) is strictly increasing in λ. Suppose there exists a symmetric, increasing equilibrium strategy, \(\beta \left( l_{i}^{\ast }\right) .\) First, it would never be optimal to bid \( b>\beta \left( \bar{l}^{\ast }\right) \), since the agent would win the auction and could have done better by slightly reducing his bid, as he could win and pay less. Second, a bidder with λ = 0, would never submit a bid greater than l c, since he would have negative utility if he were to win, thus \(\beta \left( 0\right) =l^{c}.\) Bidder i wins the auction when he submits the highest bid; that is when \(max_{j\neq i}\beta \left( l_{j}^{\ast }\right) <b.\) Define λ N − 1 as the value of λ for the second highest bidder out of N bidders. Since \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) \) is increasing, bidder i wins if he has the highest value of \(l_{i}^{\ast }\) (i.e., if \(\lambda _{i}>\lambda ^{N-1})\) or if \( \beta \left( l^{\ast N-1}\right) <b,\) or equivalently if \(l^{\ast N-1}<\beta ^{-1}\left( b\right) .\) Agent i s expected payoff is therefore \( K\left( \beta ^{-1}\left( b\right) \right) ^{N-1}\left( l^{\ast }-b\right) ,\) where \(K\left( l^{\ast }\right) ^{N-1}\) is the distribution of the second highest order statistic for land values. Taking the first order condition, replacing \(b=\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) \) (at the symmetric equilibrium), and solving for the differential equation given by the FOC, yields the equilibrium function \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) =\left[ 1/K\left( l^{\ast }\right) ^{N-1}\right] \left( N-1\right) \int_{l^{c}}^{l^{\ast }}ydK\left( y\right) ^{N-2}dy.\) Given that land values are distributed \(U \left[ l^{c},\bar{l}^{\ast }\right] ,\) this bid function is \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) =\frac{\left( N-1\right) l^{\ast }+l^{c}}{N}.\)

This result is a necessary condition for the optimal strategy, I now turn to showing the sufficient condition: that if the N − 1 bidders follow \( \beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) ,\) then it is optimal for agent i to do so as well. Suppose that all agents but bidder i follow the strategy \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) .\) Given that the winner has the highest bid, it is never optimal for agent i to bid more than \(\beta \left( \ \bar{l}^{\ast }\right) .\) Denote \(z=\beta ^{-1}\left( b\right) \) as the value for which b is the equilibrium bid for agent i, that is \(\beta \left( z\right) =b\). The expected payoff to agent i from bidding \(\beta \left( z\right) \) is \( \Pi \left( \beta \left( z\right) ,l^{\ast }\right) =K\left( z\right) ^{N-1}\left( l^{\ast }-\beta \left( z\right) \right) =K\left( z\right) ^{N-1}\left( l^{\ast }-\beta \left( z\right) \right) +\int_{l^{\ast }}^{z}K\left( y\right) ^{N-1}dy,\) where this equality is obtained via integration by parts. This leads to the conclusion that \(\Pi \left( \beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) ,l^{\ast }\right) -\Pi \left( \beta \left( z\right) ,l^{\ast }\right) \geq 0,\) regardless of whether z ≥ l  ∗  or z ≤ l  ∗ . Thus for agent i, not using \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) \) will make the agent no better off, which implies that \(\beta \left( l^{\ast }\right) \) is a symmetric equilibrium strategy.□

Appendix B: Data Sources and Preparation

Skyscraper Height, Number of Floors and Year of Completions: 19

Plot size: NYC Map Portal (; Ballard (1978);; NYC Dept. of Buildings Building Information System, (

Plot Regularity: Various editions of the Manhattan Land Book (1927, 1955, 2002; see references) and the NYC Map Portal.

Use and Corporate HQ: For each building, one or more articles were obtained from the New York Times at the time of the building’s construction or just after its completion. From this, I ascertained its primary use and the developer. If the developer was a major corporation and the corporation had an equity stake in the building, it was listed as a Corporate Headquarters.

Distance from Core: For each building I obtained the latitude and longitude from I calculated the distance for each building i = 1,...,458, from its respective core using the formula \(d_{i}=\sqrt{\left[69.1691\left( \rm latitude_{i}-\rm latitude_{\rm core}\right) \right]^{2}\!+\!\left[52.5179\left( \rm longitude_{i}-\rm longitude_{\rm core}\right) \right] ^{2}},\) where latitude and longitude were initially measured in degrees. The degrees to miles conversion is from In NYC, there are two cores: the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway (downtown) and Grand Central Station (42nd Street and Park Ave.). All buildings south of 14th street belong to the downtown core; all buildings on 14th street or above belong to the midtown core.

Depth to Bedrock: For each building, elevation from sea level (in feet) comes from Depth to bedrock from sea level (in feet) comes from maps provided by Dr. Klaus Jacob, Columbia University. The maps are based on hundreds of borings throughout Manhattan. The depth to bedrock was calculated by subtracting the depth of bedrock from sea level from the elevation from sea level.

Zoning 1916 and 1961: The New York Times was consulted to determine the first buildings completed under the respective regimes.

1916 Height Multiples: Original zoning maps in effect at the time of completion for each building.

The maps were provided by the New York City Department of City Planning.

1961 Maximum Allowable FAR: Original zoning maps in effect at the time of completion for each building. The maps were provided by the New York City Department of City Planning.

Special Districts: Zoning maps from NYC Dept. of City Planning, and articles from the New York Times.

Air Rights: Data about which buildings purchased air rights comes the New York Times, Real Estate Weekly and

Plaza Bonus: Kayden (2000);

Real Construction Cost Index (1893–2004): Index of construction material costs: 1947–2004: Bureau of Labor Statistics Series Id: WPUSOP2200 “Materials and Components for Construction” (1982=100). 1893–1947: Table E46 “Building Materials.” Historical Statistics (1926=100) (1976). To join the two series, the earlier series was multiplied by 0.12521, which is the ratio of the new series index to the old index in 1947. The real index was create by dividing the construction cost index by the GDP Deflator for each year.

GDP Deflator (1893–2004): Johnston and Williamson (2007). (2000=100).

Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Employment (F.I.R.E)/Total Employment (1893–2004): 1900–1970: F.I.R.E. data from Table D137, Historical Statistics. Total (non farm) Employment: Table D127, Historical Statistics. 1971–2004: F.I.R.E. data from Series Id: CEU5500000001 “Financial Activities.” Total nonfarm employment 1971–2004 from Series Id: CEU0000000001. The earlier and later employment tables were joined by regressing overlapping years that were available from both sources of the new employment numbers on the old employment numbers and then correcting the new number using the OLS equation; this process was also done with the F.I.R.E. data as well. 1893–1899: For both the F.I.R.E. and total employment, values were extrapolated backwards using the growth rates from the decade 1900 to 1909, which was 4.1% for F.I.R.E. and 3.1% for employment.

Real Interest Rate (nominal rate minus inflation) (1893–2004): Nominal interest rate: 1893–1970: Table X445 “Prime Commercial Paper 4–6 months.” Historical Statistics. 1971–1997, 1998–2004: 6 month CD rate. 6 month CD rate was adjusted to a CP rate by regressing 34 years of overlapping data of the CP rate on the CD rate and then using the predicted values for the CP rate for 1997–2004. Inflation comes from the percentage change in the GDP deflator.

Population NYC, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester Counties (1893–2004): 1890–2004: Decennial Census on U.S. Population volumes. Annual data is generated by estimating the annual population via the formula \(pop_{i,t}=pop_{i,t-1}e^{\beta _{i}},\) where i is the census year, i.e., i ∈ {1890,1900,...,2000}, t is the year, and β i is solved from the formula, \(pop_{i}=pop_{i-1}e^{10\ast \beta _{i}}\). For the years 2001 - 2004, the same growth rate from the 1990’s is used.

Equalized Assessed Land Value Manhattan (1893–2004): Assessed Land Values: 1893–1975: Various volumes of NYC Tax Commission Reports. 1975–2003 Real Estate Board of NY. Equalization Rates: 1893–1955: Various volumes of NYC Tax Commission Reports. 1955–2004: NY State Office of Real Property Services. Equalization Rate: 1893–1955: Various reports NYC Tax Commission Reports. 1955–2004: NY State Office of Real Property Services.

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Barr, J. Skyscraper Height. J Real Estate Finan Econ 45, 723–753 (2012).

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  • Published: 23 September 2010

  • Issue Date: October 2012

  • DOI:


JEL Classification