Semantic memory - Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports

  • ️Chertkow, Howard
  • ️Sun Dec 01 2002
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  • Noppeney UP, Price CJ: A PET study of stimulus- and taskinduced semantic processing. Neuroimage 2002, 15:927–935. An interesting study showing that the access of semantic and phonologic information in memory involves brain regions different from those involved when decisions are made when using semantic knowledge in particular tasks.

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  • Whatmough C: Separable effects of familiarity and semantic category on picture naming: an oxygen-15 PET study. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, Miami, FL, 1999.

  • Chertkow H: Altered activation of cerebral cortex in Alzheimer’s Disease during picture naming: a positron emission tomographic study. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, 2000.

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  • Grossman M, Payer F, Onishi K, et al.: Constraints on the cerebral basis for semantic processing from neuroimaging studies of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997, 63:152–158.

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  • Warrington EK, Shallice T: Category specific semantic impairments. Brain 1984, 107:829–854.

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  • Hodges JR, Patterson K: Is semantic memory consistently impaired early in the course of Alzheimer’s disease? Neuroanatomical and diagnostic implications. Neuropsychologia 1995, 33:441–459.

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  • Farah MJ, McClelland JL: A computational model of semantic memory impairment: modality specificity and emergent category specificity. J Exp Psychol 1991, 120:339–357.

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  • Moss DE: Two-eyes of a see-through: impaired and intact semantic knowledge in a case of selective deficit for living things. Neurocase 1998, 10:362–376.

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  • Laiacona M, Barbarotto R, Capitani E: Semantic category dissociations in naming: is there a gender effect in Alzheimer’s disease? Neuropsychologia 1998, 36:407–419.

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  • Chao LL, Haxby JV, Martin A: Attribute-based neural substrates in temporal cortex for perceiving and knowing about objects. Nature Neurosci 1999, 2:913–919. Neuroimaging study suggesting that categories of objects are represented in terms of their identifying features, rather than by their category membership.

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  • Chao LL, Martin A: Cortical regions associated with perceiving, naming, and knowing about colors. J Cogn Neurosci 1999, 11:25–35.

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  • Martin A, Haxby JV, Lalonde FM, Wiggs CL, Ungerleider LG: Discrete cortical regions associated with knowledge of color and knowledge of action. Science 1995, 270:102–105.

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  • Martin A, Wiggs CL, Ungerleider LG, Haxby JV: Neural correlates of category-specific knowledge. Nature 1996, 379:649–652.

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  • Devlin JT, et al.: Is there an anatomical basis for categoryspecificity? Semantic memory study in PET and fMRI. Neuropsychologia 2002, 40:54–75. Results of a positron emission tomography study and functional magnetic resonance imaging study suggesting that different semantic categories are represented in a single distributed brain system.

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  • Damasio H, Grabowski TJ, Tranel D, Hichwa RD, Damasio AR: A neural basis for lexical retrieval [published erratum appears in Nature 1996, 381:810]. Nature 1996, 380:499–505.

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  • Cappa SF, Perani D, Schnur T, Tettamanti M, Fazio F: The effects of semantic category and knowledge type on lexical-semantic access: a PET study. Neuroimage 1998, 8:350–359.

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  • Gerlach C, Law I, Gade A, Paulson OB: Perceptual differentiation and category effects in normal object recognition: a PET study. Brain 1999, 122:2159–2170.

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  • Gorno-Tempini ML, Cipolotti L, Price CJ: Which level of object processing generates category specific differences in brain activation? Proc R Soc London B 2000, 12:1253–1258.

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  • Grossman M, Koenig P, DeVita C, et al.: The neural basis for category-specific knowledge: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 2002, 15:936–948. This functional magnetic resonance imaging study shows that artefacts and abstract nouns recruit similar cortical regions of the brain (left prefrontal and left posterolateral temporal regions). These results are inconsistent with the view that artefacts are represented in terms of sensory-motor properties, presumably because such properties would presumably not be involved in interpreting meanings of abstract nouns. These neural networks would differ from those involving animal concepts, which were found to be preferentially associated with visually based processing regions of the left ventromedical occipital cortex.

    Article  PubMed  Google Scholar 

  • Moore CJ, Price CJ: A functional neuroimaging study of the variables that generate category-specific object processing differences. Brain 1999, 122:943–962. An important study examining how stimulus modality (visual vs verbal) and semantic category information interact in different cortical brain regions.

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  • Kraut AM, Moo LR, Segal JB, Hart J: Neural activation during an explicit categorization task: category-or feature-specific effects? Cogn Brain Res 2002, 13:213–220.

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  • Mummery CJ, Patterson K, Hodges JR, Price CJ: Functional neuroanatomy of the semantic system: divisible by what? J Cogn Neurosci 1998, 10:766–777.

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  • Mummery CJ: Generating ‘tiger’ as an animal name or a word beginning with T: differences in brain activation [published erratum appears in Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1996, 263:1755–1756]. Proc R Soc London B Biol Sci 1996, 263:989–995.

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  • Perani D, Cappa SF, Bettinardi V, et al.: Different neural systems for the recognition of animals and man-made tools. Neuroreport 1995, 6:1637–1641.

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  • Perani D, Schnur T, Tettamanti M, et al.: Word and picture matching: a PET study of semantic category effects. Neuropsychologia 1999, 37:293–306.

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  • Thompson-Schill SL, Aguirre GK, D’Esposito M, Farah MJ: A neural basis for category and modality specificity of semantic knowledge. Neuropsychologia 1999, 37:671–676.

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  • Fung TD, Chertkow H, Paus T, Whatmough C: IMS of the left inferior temporal cortex slows picture naming. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2002, 8:206.

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