Osteocyte and bone structure - Current Osteoporosis Reports
- ️Burger, Elisabeth H.
- ️Sun Jun 01 2003
Kamioka H, Honjo T, Takano-Yamamoto T: A three-dimensional distribution of osteocyte processes revealed by the combination of confocal laser scanning microscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy. Bone 2001, 28:145–149.
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Burger EH, Klein-Nulend J: Mechanotransduction in bone: role of the lacuno-canalicular network. FASEB J 1999, 13:S101-S112. This paper emphasizes the role of osteocytes as the mechanosensory cells of bone, and the lacunocanalicular structure that mediates mechanosensing. This concept explains local bone gain and loss— as well as remodeling in response to fatigue damage—as processes supervised by mechanosensitive osteocytes.
Burger EH, Klein-Nulend J, Smit TH: Strain-derived canalicular fluid flow regulates osteoclast activity in a remodeling osteon - a proposal. J Biomech 2003, In press. This paper proposes that bone alignment during remodeling occurs as a result of different canalicular flow patterns around the cutting cone and reversal zone during loading. It explains how the resorbing osteoclasts find their way through the pre-existing bone matrix.
Smit TH, Burger EH: Is BMU-coupling a strain-regulated phenomenon? A finite element analysis. J Bone Miner Res 2000, 15:301–307. This paper shows that the subsequent activation of osteoclasts and osteoblasts during remodeling of bone is a strain-related phenomenon.
Smit TH, Burger EH, Huyghe JM: A case for strain-induced fluid flow as a regulator of BMU-coupling and osteonal alignment. J Bone Miner Res 2002, 17:2021–2029. This paper demonstrates that cellular activity at a bone remodeling site is well related to local fluid patterns, which may explain the coordinated progression of a BMU.
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Huiskes R, Ruimerman R, van Lenthe GH, Janssen JD: Effects of mechanical forces on maintenance and adaptation from in trabecular bone. Nature 2000, 405:704–706.
Bakker AD, Soejima K, Klein-Nulend J, Burger EH: The production of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 by primary mouse bone cells is shear stress dependent. J Biomech 2001, 34:671–677.