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big tower behind Amsterdam's Central Station offering a delightful panorama of the capital A'DAM Toren is an iconic 22-storey multifunctional tower, home to a mix of offices, cafés, restaurants, a hotel, an...
Kyle Scudiere is an actor and precision stunt driver who played a Starfleet cadet in Star Trek. His work includes episodes of Nash Bridges (1999-2000, along Julia Nickson and Jay Karnes, stunts by Terry Jackson, and stunt coordination by Merritt Yohnka), Bicentennial Man (1999, starring Robin Williams, with Stephen Root, George D. Wallace, and Scott Trimble), the action film Wai See Lee ji lam huet yan (2002), and episodes of Veronica Mars (2006, with Michael Buchman Silver and Ed Begley, Jr.),
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. 50-я армия. 50-я армия(50 A) Вооружённые силы ВС СССР Род войск (сил) общевойсковая Вид формирования Армия Формирование 1941 Расформирование...