Probable Fertile Region of Asteroxylon mackiei K. and L. - Nature
- ️LYON, A. G.
- ️Sat Sep 05 1964
- Letter
- Published: 05 September 1964
Nature volume 203, pages 1082–1083 (1964)Cite this article
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Asteroxylon mackiei was first described from the Rhynie Chert by Kidston and Lang1, but the nature of its reproductive region has remained uncertain, since the peculiar leafless axes and small pear-shaped sporangia, which they provisionally assigned to the plant, have never been found connected to its leafy stems.
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Kidston, R., and Lang, W. H., Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., 52 (3) (1920).
Kräusel, R., and Weyland, H., Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 40 (1926).
Scott, D. H., Studies in Fossil Botany (London, 1923).
Lang, W. H., and Cookson, I. C., Trans. Roy. Soc., B, 219 (1930).
Bower, F. O., Primitive Land Plants (London, 1935).
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Department of Botany, University College, Cardiff
- A. G. LYON
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LYON, A. Probable Fertile Region of Asteroxylon mackiei K. and L.. Nature 203, 1082–1083 (1964).
Issue Date: 05 September 1964