Concerning the “D” Ring of Saturn - Nature
- ️Sat May 20 1967
- Letter
- Published: 20 May 1967
Nature volume 214, pages 793–794 (1967)Cite this article
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IN his excellent chronological review book of observations, The Planet Saturn, Alexander1 compares the outer, “D” ring of Saturn to the Loch Ness Monster: some see it, and some do not. During the second half of the nineteenth century a number of visual observations were reported by experienced observers but the issue seems to have been settled by Barnard2 in 1909, using the 40 in. Yerkes refractor visually and getting negative results. Apparently few, if any, attempts have been made photographically to detect a ring outside the well known A, B and C rings.
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Alexander, A. F. O'D., The Planet Saturn (Macmillan, New York, 1962).
ibid. 317.
Alfven, H., On the Origin of the Solar System (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1954).
Ellison, W. F. A., quoted in ref. 1, 344.
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Department of Physics and Allegheny Observatory, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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FEIBELMAN, W. Concerning the “D” Ring of Saturn. Nature 214, 793–794 (1967).
Received: 04 March 1967
Issue Date: 20 May 1967