Natural tranquilliser in cephalopod eggs - Nature
- ️Thu Jun 10 1976
- Letter
- Published: 10 June 1976
Nature volume 261, pages 496–497 (1976)Cite this article
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THE hatching gland of cephalopods1–5 is fully differentiated and may fulfil its function before the embryo has reached a stage of development sufficiently advanced for life in the open sea6,7. It is not known why premature hatching occurs only in clearly artificial conditions. Investigations of the properties of the perivitelline fluid (PVF) of squid eggs have given us an important clue: this fluid acts as a tranquilliser on the young animals as they approach the end of embryonic development.
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Université de Paris VI, Biologie Marine, Laboratoire Arago, F–66650, Banyuls-sur-mer, France
Universität Bern, Zoologisches Institut, Sahlistrasse 8, CH–3000, Bern, Switzerland
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MARTHY, HJ., HAUSER, R. & SCHOLL, A. Natural tranquilliser in cephalopod eggs. Nature 261, 496–497 (1976).
Received: 26 November 1975
Accepted: 26 April 1976
Issue Date: 10 June 1976