Effect of pressure on the Raman spectrum of ice - Nature

  • ️JOHARI, G. P.
  • ️Thu Oct 12 1978
  • Letter
  • Published: 12 October 1978

Nature volume 275pages 524–525 (1978)Cite this article


THE decrease in the volume of ice on compression or cooling is thought to be due to a decrease in the O–O distances, because the O–O–O and O–H…O angles do not change. The decrease in the IR or Raman frequency of the in-phase O–H stretching vibrations, ν1, of ice is thus related to the consequent shortening of the hydrogen bond. It follows that ν1 should remain constant at a constant volume, if anharmonic effects and the bending of O–H…O angles are insignificant. We report here the effect of pressure on the Raman spectral region of O–H stretching in hexagonal ice and discuss it in terms of explicit temperature and volume effects.

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  1. Glaciology Division, Department of the Environment, Ottawa, Canada, K1A OE7




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  3. G. P. JOHARI

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SIVAKUMAR, T., CHEW, H. & JOHARI, G. Effect of pressure on the Raman spectrum of ice. Nature 275, 524–525 (1978).

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  • Received: 07 July 1978

  • Accepted: 24 August 1978

  • Issue Date: 12 October 1978

  • DOI:

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