Tomato bushy stunt virus at 2.9 Å resolution - Nature

  • ️Bricogne, G.
  • ️Thu Nov 23 1978
  • Article
  • Published: 23 November 1978

Nature volume 276pages 368–373 (1978)Cite this article


The polypeptide chain of a TBSV subunit folds into two domains, connected by a hinge, and a flexibly-linked N-terminal arm. Sixty of the 180 N-terminal arms inter-digitate in groups of three, in an unexpected mode of protein association. The remaining 120 arms are not uniquely positioned with respect to the rest of the subunit. RNA is also not uniquely fixed to sites on the major domains.

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  1. C. E. Schutt

    Present address: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK

  2. F. K. Winkler

    Present address: EMBL, Heidelberg, FRG

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Gibbs Laboratory, Harvard University, 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138

    S. C. Harrison, A. J. Olson, C. E. Schutt & F. K. Winkler

  2. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK

    G. Bricogne


  1. S. C. Harrison

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  2. A. J. Olson

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  3. C. E. Schutt

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  4. F. K. Winkler

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  5. G. Bricogne

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Harrison, S., Olson, A., Schutt, C. et al. Tomato bushy stunt virus at 2.9 Å resolution. Nature 276, 368–373 (1978).

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  • Received: 05 June 1978

  • Accepted: 17 August 1978

  • Issue Date: 23 November 1978

  • DOI: