Combing the primate record - Nature

  • ️Martin, Robert D.
  • ️Thu Mar 27 2003
  • News & Views
  • Published: 27 March 2003


Nature volume 422pages 389–391 (2003)Cite this article

Fossils of bushbabies and lorises reported from deposits of the Fayum Depression in Egypt extend the known record for this group of primates from 20 million years to approximately 40 million years ago.

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Figure 1: A simplified primate evolutionary tree.
Figure 2



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  1. Academic Affairs at The Field Museum, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 60605-2496, Illinois, USA

    Robert D. Martin


  1. Robert D. Martin

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Martin, R. Combing the primate record. Nature 422, 389–391 (2003).

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  • Issue Date: 27 March 2003

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