A unifying concept: the history of cell theory - Nature Cell Biology

  • ️Mazzarello, Paolo
  • ️Sat May 01 1999
  • Historical Perspective
  • Published: May 1999

Nature Cell Biology volume 1pages E13–E15 (1999)Cite this article


After the first observations of life under the microscope, it took two centuries of research before the 'cell theory', the idea that all living things are composed of cells or their products, was formulated. It proved even harder to accept that individual cells also make up nervous tissue.

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  1. the Istituto di Genetica Biochimica ed Evoluzionistica – CNR, Via Abbiategrasso 207, Pavia, 27100, Italy

    Paolo Mazzarello


  1. Paolo Mazzarello

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Mazzarello, P. A unifying concept: the history of cell theory. Nat Cell Biol 1, E13–E15 (1999).

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  • Issue Date: May 1999

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