An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for hypoxia marker binding in tumours - British Journal of Cancer
- ️Thrall, DE
- ️Sat Jan 01 1994
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed for measuring the in vivo binding of a hexafluorinated 2-nitroimidazole (CCI-103F) in tumour tissue biopsies. The binding of CCI-103F is believed to reflect the presence of hypoxia in tumours. The ELISA provides a sensitive and convenient method of measuring CCI-103F binding which does not require the injection of radioactive reagents. The ELISA is based on reagents prepared from synthetic antigens formed by the reductive activation and binding of CCI-103F to proteins in novel test tube experiments. Calibration of the ELISA involved comparing the ELISA with the radioactivity contained either in protein-CCI-103F adducts formed in vitro with tritiated CCI-103F or in tissues isolated from a tumour-bearing dog which had been injected with tritium-labelled CCI-103F. The two approaches to calibration are compared. The scope and limitation of the ELISA for measuring the binding of CCI-103F is discussed and an example of the application of the ELISA to measuring changes in tumour hypoxia in canine patients undergoing fractionated radiation therapy is presented.
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Radiation Oncology Department, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, 27599-7512
JA Raleigh
- JA Raleigh
- JK La Dine
- JM Cline
- DE Thrall
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Raleigh, J., La Dine, J., Cline, J. et al. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for hypoxia marker binding in tumours. Br J Cancer 69, 66–71 (1994).
Issue Date: 01 January 1994