Genetic variation in human NPY expression affects stress response and emotion - Nature
- ️Goldman, David
- ️Wed Apr 02 2008
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This work was supported by grants R01 DA 016423 to J.-K.Z., K01 MH072837 and a NARSAD Young Investigator Award to A.R.H., R01-AA13892, P50-DA16556 and K02-DA17232 to R.S., PO1 HL040962 and RO1 HL065137 to S.B.M., and R01 DE 15396 to C.S.S.
Author Contributions Z.Z. and G.Z. performed molecular biology and genetic analyses. A.R.H., R.E.F., S.B.M. and S.M.B. generated and analysed fMRI data. J.-K.Z., D.S. and C.S.S. generated and analysed PET data. R.S. and R.L.H. generated plasma NPY data. J.-K.Z., A.R.H., Z.Z., G.Z., D.S., M.V. and D.G. all contributed to conceptual issues. M.V. and D.G. were involved in the collection of the Finnish data set. D.C.M. provided post-mortem tissue samples. M.-A.E., R.H.L, X.-Z.H., C.H., K.X., B.B., Q.Y. and P.-H.S. contributed to data analysis. D.G. conceived and planned the study. Z.Z. and D.G. wrote the paper.
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Author notes
Guanshan Zhu
Present address: Present address: Innovation Centre China, AstraZeneca Global R&D, Shanghai 201203, China.,
Zhifeng Zhou and Guanshan Zhu: These authors contributed equally to this work.
Authors and Affiliations
Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIAAA, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA ,
Zhifeng Zhou, Guanshan Zhu, Mary-Anne Enoch, Robert H. Lipsky, Xian-Zhang Hu, Colin A. Hodgkinson, Ke Xu, Beata Buzas, Qiaoping Yuan, Pei-Hong Shen & David Goldman
Departments of Psychiatry, Human Genetics, and Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261, USA,
Ahmad R. Hariri, Robert E. Ferrell, Stephen B. Manuck & Sarah M. Brown
Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA,
David Scott & Jon-Kar Zubieta
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, USA,
Rajita Sinha
Department of Psychiatry, University of Helsinki, 00014, Helsinki, Finland,
Matti Virkkunen
Department of Neurology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida 33124, USA,
Deborah C. Mash
Department of Psychiatry, San Diego VA Healthcare System and University of California, San Diego, California 92161, USA,
Richard L. Hauger
School of Dentistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA ,
Christian S. Stohler
- Zhifeng Zhou
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The supplementary Information contains Supplementary Figures 1 - 6 with Legends, Supplementary Tables 1 - 3, Supplementary Methods and additional references. The Supplementary Figures 1 - 6 and Supplementary Tables 1-2 provide supplementary results. Supplementary Table 3 contains the primer and probe sequences. The Supplementary Methods provide the details of the study subjects and the fMRI and PET methods. (PDF 581 kb)
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Zhou, Z., Zhu, G., Hariri, A. et al. Genetic variation in human NPY expression affects stress response and emotion. Nature 452, 997–1001 (2008).
Received: 13 November 2007
Accepted: 20 February 2008
Published: 02 April 2008
Issue Date: 24 April 2008