Medulloblastoma exome sequencing uncovers subtype-specific somatic mutations - Nature
- ️Cho, Yoon-Jae
- ️Sun Jul 22 2012
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Sequence data used for this analysis are available in dbGaP under accession phs000504.v1.p1.
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This work was supported by NIH grants NHGRI U54HG003067 to E. S. Lander (E.S., D.A., S.B.G., G.G., M.M.); R01CA109467 (S.L.P., J.P.M.); R01CA105607 (H.G., T.M.R., M.M., S.L.P.); P30 HD18655 (S.L.P.); R01 CA030002 and CA050661 (T.M.R.); R01 NS046789 (G.R.C.); R01 CA154480 (P.T.); R25NS070682 (S.S.) and R01CA148699 (M.D.T.); St. Baldrick’s Foundation Scholar Award and the Beirne Faculty Scholar endowment and Center for Children’s Brain Tumors at Stanford University (Y.-J.C.); German Cancer Aid (109252) and the BMBF ICGC-PedBrain project (N.J., D.T.W.J., P.L., S.M.P.); HHMI (G.R.C.); the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (M.D.T.); Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowship (T.J.P.); Restracomp funding from the Hospital for Sick Children (P.A.N.); and the Mullarkey Research Fund (S.L.P.). We thank Children’s Oncology Group and the Cooperative Human Tissue Network for providing tumour samples, the staff of the Broad Institute Biological Samples, Genome Sequencing and Genetic Analysis Platforms for their assistance in genomic processing of samples and generating the sequencing data used in this analysis, K. Keho and M. Brown at Pacific Biosciences for technical support with sample barcoding methods, and L. Gaffney of Broad Institute Communications for assistance with figure layout and design.
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Authors and Affiliations
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA ,
Trevor J. Pugh, Daniel Auclair, James Bochicchio, Mauricio O. Carneiro, Scott L. Carter, Kristian Cibulskis, Rachel L. Erlich, Heidi Greulich, Michael S. Lawrence, Niall J. Lennon, Aaron McKenna, James Meldrim, Alex H. Ramos, Michael G. Ross, Carsten Russ, Erica Shefler, Andrey Sivachenko, Brian Sogoloff, Petar Stojanov, Pablo Tamayo, Jill P. Mesirov, Stacey B. Gabriel, Gad Getz, Matthew Meyerson, Scott L. Pomeroy & Yoon-Jae Cho
Departments of Medical Oncology and of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Center for Cancer Genome Discovery, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, 02115, Massachusetts, USA
Trevor J. Pugh, Heidi Greulich, Alex H. Ramos, Thomas M. Roberts & Matthew Meyerson
Harvard Medical School, Boston, 02115, Massachusetts, USA
Trevor J. Pugh, Shyamal Dilhan Weeraratne, Tenley C. Archer, Heidi Greulich, Alex H. Ramos, Vladimir Amani, Natalia Teider, Soma Sengupta, Jessica Pierre Francois, Thomas M. Roberts, Matthew Meyerson, Scott L. Pomeroy & Yoon-Jae Cho
Department of Neurology, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, 02115, Massachusetts, USA
Shyamal Dilhan Weeraratne, Tenley C. Archer, Vladimir Amani, Natalia Teider, Soma Sengupta, Jessica Pierre Francois, Scott L. Pomeroy & Yoon-Jae Cho
Brandeis University, Waltham, 02453, Massachusetts, USA
Daniel A. Pomeranz Krummel
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada ,
Paul A. Northcott & Michael D. Taylor
Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, 94305, California, USA
Furong Yu, Gerald R. Crabtree, Amanda G. Kautzman & Yoon-Jae Cho
Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Stanford University, Stanford, 94305, California, USA
Gerald R. Crabtree
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany ,
Natalie Jäger, David T. W. Jones, Peter Lichter & Stefan M. Pfister
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, 02115, Massachusetts, USA
Matthew Meyerson
- Trevor J. Pugh
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- Shyamal Dilhan Weeraratne
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- Tenley C. Archer
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- Daniel A. Pomeranz Krummel
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- Stefan M. Pfister
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- Scott L. Pomeroy
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- Yoon-Jae Cho
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Y.-J.C., M.M. and S.L.P. conceived the project. Y.-J.C., T.J.P., M.M. and S.L.P. wrote the manuscript with input from co-authors. S.D.W., T.C.A., J.P.F., S.S., N.T., Y.-J.C., A.G.K. and F.Y. performed functional characterization studies. D.A.P.K. generated in silico structural modelling of DDX3X mutations. T.J.P. conducted the bioinformatic analysis, supported by S.L.C., P.S., K.C., M.S.L., A.M., A.H.R., A.S., H.G., P.T., J.P.M., N.J. and D.T.W.J.; D.A., E.S., S.B.G., and G.G. facilitated transfer, sequencing and analysis of samples. P.A.N. and M.D.T. provided tissues for analysis. Y.-J.C., J.P.F. and V.A. processed tumour and blood samples for study. G.R.C. generated reagents used in functional characterization studies. P.L., S.M.P. and T.M.R. assisted with interpretation of results. J.B., M.O.C., R.L.E., N.J.L., J.M., M.G.R., C.R. and B.S. performed microfluidic PCR and single-molecule real-time sequencing for validation analysis.
Corresponding authors
Correspondence to Matthew Meyerson, Scott L. Pomeroy or Yoon-Jae Cho.
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Competing interests
M.M. is a paid consultant for and equity holder in Foundation Medicine, a genomics-based oncology diagnostics company, and is a paid consultant for Novartis. Y.-J.C. has served on an advisory board for Novartis.
Supplementary information
Supplementary Information
This file contains Supplementary Text and additional references, Supplementary Figures 1-3 and Supplementary Table 5. (PDF 2067 kb)
Supplementary Data 1
This file contains Supplementary Table 1, showing the clinical, copy number and mutation data matrix. (XLSX 821 kb)
Supplementary Data 2
This file contains Supplementary Table 2 showing the list of candidate somatic mutations, Supplementary Table 4 showing the somatic mutations in histone methyltransferases and Supplementary Table 6, which shows the somatic mutations in RNA helicases. (XLSX 859 kb)
Supplementary Data 3
This file contains Supplementary Table 3, which shows MutSig hits for each medulloblastoma subtype considered independently. (XLSX 13091 kb)
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Pugh, T., Weeraratne, S., Archer, T. et al. Medulloblastoma exome sequencing uncovers subtype-specific somatic mutations. Nature 488, 106–110 (2012).
Received: 03 February 2012
Accepted: 15 June 2012
Published: 22 July 2012
Issue Date: 02 August 2012