Does administration of transdermal dihydrotestosterone gel before hypospadias repair improve postoperative outcomes? - Nature Reviews Urology
- ️Kaplan, George W
- ️Tue Aug 05 2008
- Practice Point
- Published: 05 August 2008
Nature Clinical Practice Urology volume 5, pages 474–475 (2008)Cite this article
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In an effort to improve the outcome of hypospadias repair, Kaya et al. performed a prospective, randomized study of transdermal dihydrotestosterone (DHT) gel as a preoperative adjunct to surgery. They found that patients who received DHT gel had fewer complications and better cosmesis than patients who underwent surgery alone. The authors attribute the differences between the two groups to an increased blood flow produced by the gel. The series of patients was small, and a larger sample size might have produced different results. Some of the outcomes measured were subjective, and the methods used to assess these outcomes were not clear. If a larger study confirms the results obtained by Kaya and colleagues, transdermal DHT gel might prove to be a valuable adjunct to hypospadias surgery.
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Department of Pediatric Urology, Rady Children's Hospital San Diego, 7930 Frost Street, Suite 300, Mailcode 5120, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
Authors and Affiliations
GW Kaplan is Chief of Urology at the Rady Children's Hospital San Diego, and Clinical Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics at the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA.,
George W Kaplan
- George W Kaplan
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Kaplan, G. Does administration of transdermal dihydrotestosterone gel before hypospadias repair improve postoperative outcomes?. Nat Rev Urol 5, 474–475 (2008).
Received: 15 May 2008
Accepted: 20 June 2008
Published: 05 August 2008
Issue Date: September 2008