Psoriasis genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility variants within LCE gene cluster at 1q21 - Nature Genetics
- ️Liu, Jian-Jun
- ️Sun Jan 25 2009
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We thank G.P. Zhao, G.Y. Xu, L. Jin, X. Zhang, S.J. Xu and Z.G. Lin for assistance. And we would like to thank all the volunteers who took part in this work. We also want to thank L. Yi and E. Tantoso for their assistance in data analysis. This work was funded by the Anhui Provincial Special Scientific Program (2007-7), the High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Plan) (2007AA02Z161), the Key Project of Natural Science Foundation of China (30530670), National Basic Research Program of China (973 Plan) (2007B516801), General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (30671895, 30771196, 30771942) and Agency for Science & Technology and Research of Singapore (A*STAR) (for J.J.L. and X.Y.L.).
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Authors and Affiliations
Institute of Dermatology and Department of Dermatology at No.1 Hospital, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, 230022, Anhui, China
Xue-Jun Zhang, Sen Yang, Liang-Dan Sun, Feng-Yu Zhang, Qi-Xing Zhu, Chi Zhang, Wen-Hui Du, Hui Li, Feng-Li Xiao, Zai-Xing Wang, Yong Cui, Hui Cheng, Hou-Feng Zheng, Shu-Mei Zhang, Hong-Yan Wang, Yi-Lin Cheng, Jian-Wen Han, Cheng Quan, Bin Chen, Jun-Lin Liu, Da Lin, Li Fan, An-Ping Zhang, Sheng-Xiu Liu, Chun-Jun Yang, Pei-Guang Wang, Wen-Ming Zhou, Guo-Shu Lin, Xing Fan, Min Gao, Wen-Sheng Lu, Zheng Zhang, Kun-Ju Zhu, Song-Ke Shen, Min Li, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Ting-Ting Cao, Wei Ren, Xin Zhang, Jun He, Xian-Fa Tang, Shun Lu, Jian-Qiang Yang, Lin Zhang, Dan-Ni Wang, Feng Yuan, Xian-Yong Yin & Jian-Jun Liu
The Key Laboratory of Gene Resource Utilization for Severe Diseases, Ministry of Education and Anhui Province, Hefei, Anhui, 230032, China
Xue-Jun Zhang, Sen Yang, Liang-Dan Sun, Feng-Yu Zhang, Qi-Xing Zhu, Chi Zhang, Wen-Hui Du, Hui Li, Feng-Li Xiao, Zai-Xing Wang, Yong Cui, Hui Cheng, Hou-Feng Zheng, Shu-Mei Zhang, Hong-Yan Wang, Yi-Lin Cheng, Qiao-Yun Fang, Fu-Sheng Zhou, Jian-Wen Han, Cheng Quan, Bin Chen, Jun-Lin Liu, Da Lin, Li Fan, An-Ping Zhang, Sheng-Xiu Liu, Chun-Jun Yang, Pei-Guang Wang, Wen-Ming Zhou, Guo-Shu Lin, Xing Fan, Min Gao, Wen-Sheng Lu, Zheng Zhang, Kun-Ju Zhu, Song-Ke Shen, Min Li, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Ting-Ting Cao, Wei Ren, Xin Zhang, Jun He, Xian-Fa Tang, Shun Lu, Jian-Qiang Yang, Lin Zhang, Dan-Ni Wang, Feng Yuan, Xian-Yong Yin & Jian-Jun Liu
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Anhui Medical University, Hefei, 230032, Anhui, China
Xue-Jun Zhang, Sen Yang, Liang-Dan Sun, Feng-Yu Zhang, Qi-Xing Zhu, Fu-Ren Zhang, Chi Zhang, Wen-Hui Du, Xiong-Ming Pu, Hui Li, Feng-Li Xiao, Zai-Xing Wang, Yong Cui, Xue-Qin Yang, Hui Cheng, Hou-Feng Zheng, Shu-Mei Zhang, Hong-Yan Wang, Yi-Lin Cheng, Jian-Wen Han, Cheng Quan, Bin Chen, Jun-Lin Liu, Da Lin, Li Fan, An-Ping Zhang, Sheng-Xiu Liu, Chun-Jun Yang, Pei-Guang Wang, Wen-Ming Zhou, Guo-Shu Lin, Wei-Dong Wu, Xing Fan, Min Gao, Bao-Qi Yang, Wen-Sheng Lu, Zheng Zhang, Kun-Ju Zhu, Song-Ke Shen, Min Li, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Ting-Ting Cao, Wei Ren, Xin Zhang, Jun He, Xian-Fa Tang, Shun Lu, Jian-Qiang Yang, Lin Zhang, Dan-Ni Wang, Feng Yuan & Xian-Yong Yin
Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai, 201203, China
Wei Huang, Hong-Jie Huang & Hai-Feng Wang
The National Engineering Center for Biochip Design and Engineer in Shanghai, Shanghai, 201203, China
Wei Huang, Hong-Jie Huang & Hai-Feng Wang
Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, Jinan, 250022, Shandong, China
Fu-Ren Zhang & Bao-Qi Yang
Department of Dermatology, People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumchi, 830001, Xinjiang, China
Xiong-Ming Pu & Wei-Dong Wu
Department of Dermatology, Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, 400038, China
Fei Hao
Department of Dermatology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine, Shanghai, 200025, China
Jie Zheng
Department of Dermatology, The General Hospital of Air Force, PLA, Beijing, 100036, China
Xue-Qin Yang
Department of Dermatology, No. 1 Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, 110001, Liaoning, China
Chun-Di He
Department of Dermatology, the 1st Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, 116011, Liaoning, China
Xiao-Ming Liu
Department of Dermatology, Changzheng Hospital, Tianjin, 300120, China
Li-Min Xu
Department of Dermatology, Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing, 100044, China
Jian-Zhong Zhang
Department of Dermatology, Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Wuhu, 241000, Anhui, China
Bi-Hua Ji
Department of Dermatology, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, 150086, Heilongjiang, China
Yu-Zhen Li
Human Genetics, Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore, 138672, Singapore
Xin-Yi Lin & Jian-Jun Liu
- Xue-Jun Zhang
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X.-J.Z. conceived of this study and obtained financial support. X.-J.Z., S.Y. and J.-J.L. designed it. S.Y., Q.-X.Z., F.-L.X., Y.C., W.-H.D., H.L., S.-M.Z., H.C., Z.-X.W., D.L., L.F., A.-P.Z., H.-Y.W., S.-X.L., C.-J.Y., P.-G.W., W.-M.Z., G.-S.L. and X.F. conducted sample selection and data management. W.-S.L., Z.Z., K.-J.Z., J.-L.L., S.-K.S., M.L., X.-Y.Z., T.-T.C., W.R., X.Z., J.H., X.-F.T., S.L., J.-Q.Y., L.Z., D.-N.W., F.Y., M.G. and X.-Y.Y. coordinated and/or undertook recruitment, collected phenotype data, undertook related data handling and calculation, managed recruitment and obtained biological samples. The following authors from the various collaborating groups undertook assembly of case/control series in their respective regions and collected data and samples: F.-R.Z. and B.-Q.Y. in Shandong province; X.-M.P. and W.-D.W. in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; F.H. in Chongqing city; X.-Q.Y. and J.-Z.Z. in Beijing city; C.-D.H. and X.-M.L. in Liaoning province; Y.-Z.L. in Heilongjiang province; L.-M.X. in Tianjin city; B.-H.J. in Wuhu city; J.Z. in Shanghai city; L.-D.S., C.Z., Q.-Y.F., F.-S.Z. Y.-L.C., J.-W.H., C.Q., B.C., H.-J.H., H.-F.W., W.H. performed the two-stage genotyping and sequencing. F.-Y.Z., H.-F.Z. and X.-Y.L. undertook data manipulation, statistical analysis and bio-informatic interrogations. All authors contributed to the final paper, with X.-J.Z., S.Y., J.-J.L., F.-Y.Z., L.-D.S. and C.Z. playing key roles.
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Correspondence to Xue-Jun Zhang.
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Zhang, XJ., Huang, W., Yang, S. et al. Psoriasis genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility variants within LCE gene cluster at 1q21. Nat Genet 41, 205–210 (2009).
Received: 28 July 2008
Accepted: 10 November 2008
Published: 25 January 2009
Issue Date: February 2009