Complex Systems Analysis of Arrested Neural Cell Differentiation during Development and Analogous Cell Cycling Models in Carcinogenesis - Nature Precedings

  • ️Prisecaru, V.
  • ️Mon Apr 02 2012

Nature Precedings (2012)Cite this article


A new approach to the modular, complex systems analysis of nonlinear dynamics of arrested neural cell Differentiation--induced cell proliferation during organismic development and the analogous cell cycling network transformations involved in carcinogenesis is proposed. Neural tissue arrested differentiation that induces cell proliferation during perturbed development and Carcinogenesis are complex processes that involve dynamically inter-connected biomolecules in the intercellular, membrane, cytosolic, nuclear and nucleolar compartments. Such 'dynamically inter-connected' biomolecules form numerous inter-related pathways referred to as 'molecular networks'. One such family of signaling pathways contains the cell cyclins. Cyclins are proteins that link several critical pro-apoptotic and other cell cycling/division components, including the tumor suppressor gene TP53 and its product, the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (T antigen), Rb, mdm2, c-Myc, p21, p27, Bax, Bad and Bcl-2, which play major roles in various neoplastic transformations of many tissues.The novel theoretical analysis presented here is based on recently published studies of arrested cell differentiation that normally leads to neural system formation during early developmental stages; the perturbed development may involve cyclin signaling and cell cycling responsible for rapidly induced cell proliferation without differentiation into neural cells in such experimental studies.

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  1. University of Illinois at Urbana, AFC- NMR and NIR Microspectroscopy Facility, College of ACES

    I Baianu & V. Prisecaru


  1. I Baianu

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  2. V. Prisecaru

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Baianu, I., Prisecaru, V. Complex Systems Analysis of Arrested Neural Cell Differentiation during Development and Analogous Cell Cycling Models in Carcinogenesis . Nat Prec (2012).

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  • Received: 02 April 2012

  • Accepted: 02 April 2012

  • Published: 02 April 2012

  • DOI:
