Trends in the exploitation of novel drug targets - Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
- ️Schiöth, Helgi B.
- ️Mon Aug 01 2011
- Analysis
- Published: 01 August 2011
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 10, pages 579–590 (2011)Cite this article
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Currently marketed drugs mediate their effects via only a limited number of molecular targets. The recent trends in drug development were analysed by extensively matching drugs with drug targets and correlating these with drug approval dates.
We have identified 435 effect-mediating targets that were encoded by single positions on the human genome.
We have also observed a steady rate of introduction of new drugs. Furthermore, in our data set there has been no substantial decrease in the number of new drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration each year.
On average, approximately 18 new drugs that act on targets that are encoded by the human genome are approved for the US market every year. The majority of new drugs target previously exploited structures that are encoded by the human genome.
On average, approximately 4.3 novel target drugs (NTDs) — that is, new drugs that target a previously unexploited molecular target that is encoded by the human genome — are approved for the US market every year.
Our drug–target network analysis shows a connection between the majority of drugs that form a giant interconnected network that we have termed the 'giant component'. However, NTDs have a greater tendency to be disconnected from the giant component and form small isolated networks. These smaller networks are of particular interest as they not only represent novel drug targets but also often represent new molecular mechanisms for treatment.
The discovery and exploitation of new drug targets is a key focus for both the pharmaceutical industry and academic biomedical research. To provide an insight into trends in the exploitation of new drug targets, we have analysed the drugs that were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration during the past three decades and examined the interactions of these drugs with therapeutic targets that are encoded by the human genome, using the DrugBank database and extensive manual curation. We have identified 435 effect-mediating drug targets in the human genome, which are modulated by 989 unique drugs, through 2,242 drug–target interactions. We also analyse trends in the introduction of drugs that modulate previously unexploited targets, and discuss the network pharmacology of the drugs in our data set.
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The authors would like to thank J. Weigelt, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, for providing valuable comments on an early version of the manuscript. These studies were supported by the Swedish Research Council, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Swedish Brain Research Foundation.
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Department of Neuroscience, Functional Pharmacology, Uppsala University, Uppsala Biomedical Center, 75124, Uppsala, Sweden
Mathias Rask-Andersen, Markus Sällman Almén & Helgi B. Schiöth
Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala Biomedical Center, BOX 593, 75124, Uppsala, Sweden
Helgi B. Schiöth
- Mathias Rask-Andersen
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- Markus Sällman Almén
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- Helgi B. Schiöth
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Rask-Andersen, M., Almén, M. & Schiöth, H. Trends in the exploitation of novel drug targets. Nat Rev Drug Discov 10, 579–590 (2011).
Published: 01 August 2011
Issue Date: August 2011