Nephroptosis in a young woman with joint laxity - Nature Reviews Nephrology

  • ️Sekhon, Amandeep
  • ️Tue Dec 01 2009
  • Case Study
  • Published: December 2009

Nature Reviews Nephrology volume 5pages 722–725 (2009)Cite this article


Background. A 25-year-old woman was evaluated repeatedly from 10 months following her first pregnancy and delivery for recurrent episodes of lower right quadrant abdominal pain, hematuria and a sensation of mass. Despite investigations by several physicians over a 7 month period no clear diagnosis had been made, but a psychosomatic disorder or possible periodic blocked bowel had been suggested, after which the patient requested a consultation with a nephrologist. Her history indicated joint laxity syndrome and a mitral valve prolapse. She was undergoing continuing evaluation for a possible rheumatic condition.

Investigations. Full history, physical examination, and intravenous pyelography.

Diagnosis. Nephroptosis of the right kidney.

Intervention. Exercises were prescribed to strengthen her abdominal musculature and she was advised to wear an elastic abdominal corset during the daytime. The patient is currently considering surgical intervention.

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Figure 1: Intravenous pyelography in the a | supine and b | upright positions.


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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

    Barbara A. Clark

  2. Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Fresno, CA, USA

    Amandeep Sekhon


  1. Barbara A. Clark

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  2. Amandeep Sekhon

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Correspondence to Barbara A. Clark.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Clark, B., Sekhon, A. Nephroptosis in a young woman with joint laxity. Nat Rev Nephrol 5, 722–725 (2009).

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  • Issue Date: December 2009

  • DOI: