The Aria in Opera Seria, 1725–1780 | Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association | Cambridge Core
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Of the two types of Italian opera, ‘opera seria’ and ‘opera buffa’, that existed in the eighteenth century, opera seria is the one which has received more adverse comments from modern historians. The artificial division of its text and music into arias and recitative, its stereotyped plots, its concert-like and undramatic character, are easily recognised weaknesses. Musicians, moreover, have not only admired Gluck but sympathised with the sentiments expressed in his preface to Alceste and have therefore concluded that the conditions and standards he rebelled against promoted a decidedly inferior art. Perhaps for this reason a comprehensive study of the aria in opera seria has rarely been undertaken.
1 cf. J. de Villeneuve, Lettre sur le mechanisms de l'opera italien, Naples, 1756, PP. 43–4.Google Scholar
2 Letters from Italy describing the customs and manners of that country in the years 1765 and 1766, London, 1766, p. 81.Google Scholar
3 cf. C. Burney, The present state of music in France and Italy, London, 1st edn., 1771, p. 82.Google Scholar
4 C. de Brosses, Lettres familières écrites d'Italie en 1739 et 1740, Paris, 1858, i. 385.Google Scholar
5 cf. R. Gerber, Der Operntypus Johann Adolf Hasses und seine textlichen Grundlagen, Leipzig, 1925, pp. 40–1.Google Scholar
6 Goldoni, C., Memoirs, English edn., London, 1814, i. 185–6. Stendhal, The life of Haydn, the life of Mozart, with observations on Metastasio, London, 1817, pp. 445–7.Google Scholar
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9 Tosi, P. F., Observations on the florid song, London, 1743, pp. 93–4.Google Scholar
12 Musical quotations from this opera will be found in N. D'Arienzo, ‘Origini dell'cpera comica’, Rivisti musicale italiana, vi (1899), 473–88. Unfortunately they contain a number of transcribing errors.Google Scholar
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17 H. C. Robbins-Landon, The Symphonies of Joseph Haydn, London, 1955, p. 244.Google Scholar
18 Mattheson, J., Der vollkommnene Capellmeister, Hamburg, 1739, ii. 212.Google Scholar
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22 Burney, C., Memoirs of the life and writings of the Abate Metastasio, London, 1796, iii. 43.Google Scholar