Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

Complementary Therapies: PDF Only

The Efficacy of Relaxation Response interventions With Adult Patients: A Review of the Literature

Mandle, Carol Lynn PhD, RN*; Jacobs, Sue C. PhD; Arcari, Patricia Martin PhD(C), RN††; Domar, Alice D. PhD§

* Associate Professor, Boston College School of Nursing, Associate for Research and Consultation, Beth Israel Hospital, Co-Director, Behavioral Medicine General Programs, Division of Behavioral Medicine, Deaconess Hospital, Scientist, Mind/ Body Medical Institute, Harvard Medical School

† Associate Professor and Director of Ph.D. Counseling Psychology Training Program, Department of Counseling, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota

†† Co-Director, Behavioral Medicine General Programs, Division of Behavioral Medicine, Deaconess Hospital

§ Staff Psychologist, Division of Behavioral Medicine, Deaconess Hospital, Senior Scientist, Mind/ Body Medical Institute, Assistant Professor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts


The relaxation response, is an integrated psycho-physiologic response originating in the hypothalamus that leads to a generalized decrease in arousal of the central nervous system. As such it is the physiologic antithesis of the stress reponse. This hypometabolic state is the foundation of many nursing interventions.

Relaxation interventions have been taught for centuries. They include many theoretic and philosophic traditions and an array of specific stategies. The possible outcomes using relaxation response strategies in nursing practice are numerous and enable the patient to use the body's own innate mechanisms for health and healing.

Thirty-seven studies of the efficacy of relaxation response interventions with adult patients are reviewed. Although numerous patient populations are addressed by the studies, some of which have methodologic problems, consistencies in the results suggest the effectiveness of the relaxation response in reducing hypertension, insomnia, anxiety, pain, and medication use across multiple populations, diagnostic categories', and' settings. Recommendations for the use of relaxation responses in varied clinical settings are inculded.

© 1996 Aspen Publishers, Inc.