The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease

Brief Report

Ogrodniczuk, John S. PhD*; Sochting, Ingrid PhD*†‡; Piggott, Nicola BScN; Piper, William E. PhD*

From the *Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; †Department of Psychiatry, Richmond Hospital, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada; and ‡Mental Health Outpatient Services, Richmond Hospital, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.

Supported by the Group Psychotherapy Foundation.

Send reprint requests to: John S. Ogrodniczuk, PhD, 420-5950 University Boulevard, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3. E-mail: [email protected].


This pilot study examined the effects of an innovative 12-week integrated group therapy program for a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of psychiatric outpatients. The study also investigated whether locus of control could predict outcome. The sample consisted of 52 patients who completed treatment. Patients demonstrated statistically significant change on all outcome variables. Effect sizes indicated moderate to large changes on all but one outcome variable. About 50% and 25% of patients made clinically significant and reliable change on measures of depressive and anxious symptoms, respectively. Chance locus of control was inversely associated with improvement. These preliminary findings suggest that a relatively short, but intense and integrated group therapy program may be effective for mixed outpatient samples. Patients who believe that their health is largely affected by chance are less likely to benefit from treatment. Clinical services with limited resources should consider offering an inclusive, comprehensive group therapy program.

© 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.