
Enniatin Production by Fusarium Sambucinum: Primary, Secondary, and Unitary Metabolism

  • ️D. W. Russell
  • ️Sat Feb 01 1975


SUMMARY: Fusarium sambucinum liquid surface cultures on semi-defined medium with glucose as carbon source passed through well-defined phases corresponding to trophophase, idiophase (enniatin production), and a degenerative phase. All the glucose was consumed by day 6, at which time the mycelial dry weight had reached only half its maximum. When glucose was replaced by lactose, there was no separation of trophophase and idiophase. Enniatin production, dry weight, and sugar and nitrogen consumption were in approximate balance throughout the growth period (25 days), after which slow degeneration began. The term ‘unitary metabolism’ is proposed for this type of unphased behaviour. Unitary metabolism may approximate more closely to that occurring under natural conditions than does the metabolic phase separation observed when rapidly utilized carbon sources are used in laboratory cultures.

  • Received: 03/09/1974
  • Published Online: 01/02/1975

© Society for General Microbiology, 1975


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