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Draz'Zilb is an ogre quest giver located in Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh. He is very intelligent for an ogre. He knows how corrupt the current ruler Mok'Morokk is, and directs the adventurers of the Horde to drive Mok'Morokk out of Brackenwall.
Z Wikisłownika – wolnego słownika wielojęzycznego zapisy w ortografiach alternatywnych: Jud wymowa: znaczenia: rzeczownik, rodzaj męski (1.1) Żyd[1] odmiana: (1.1) lp Jüd; lm...
Patch 1.6.0, titled Assault on Blackwing Lair, was a major content patch for World of Warcraft that released on 12 July 2005. Among other changes, it featured the release of the Blackwing Lair raid instance, the introduction of the Darkmoon Faire to Azeroth, Battlemasters in major cities, and revamps...
The DrogbarStart Spiritwalker EbonhornEnd Warbrave OroLevel 10-45Category HighmountainExperience 15,050Reputation +150 Highmountain TribeRewards 15 40Previous [10-45] The Underking...
<name>, We found this creature clawing at an unidentifiable corpse in the back tunnels of the Underbelly, and we were immediately reminded of you. I sincerely hope you find it to your liking. Raethan
The main assist (MA) is the player in a raid or party who calls the shots on which mobs should be taken down next by the damage dealers. The main assist's job is to have one specific mob targeted at all times until it's dead, and then to switch to the next target to be killed, whereas the main tank must...