
The use of loop diuretics in acute renal failure in critically ill patients to reduce mortality, maintain renal function, or avoid the requirements for renal support

  • ️Sat Jul 01 2006

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The use of loop diuretics in acute renal failure in critically ill patients to reduce mortality, maintain renal function, or avoid the requirements for renal support

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Report by Anthony Davis, SpR in Anaesthesia Checked by Ingrid Gooch, SpR in Anaesthesia North West School of Anaesthesia, Manchester, UK


A short cut review was carried out to establish whether loop diuretics are useful for critically ill patients with renal failure. A total of 1017 citations were reviewed of which two answered the three part question. The clinical bottom line is that in critically ill patients with acute renal failure, there is no evidence to suggest that the use of loop diuretics reduces mortality, reduces length of ITU/hospital stay, or increases the recovery of renal function.

Three part question

In [critically ill patients with acute renal failure] does [the use of loop diuretics] [reduce mortality, improve renal function, reduce length of ITU/hospital stay, or reduce requirements for renal replacement therapy]?

Clinical scenario

A 65 year old male presents to the emergency department with severe pneumonia. …

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