RDP technique | Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Scrutinizing agile practices or shoot-out at the agile corral
RDP technique: a practice to customize xp
Although software projects can benefit from XP practices, but all projects can not directly adopt it. Characteristics of some projects make it difficult to use XP thoroughly; therefore, we need to tailor XP to the local conditions, contexts and the size of these projects.
In this article we will describe why defining XP by its practices has problem and argue why it should be defined by its rules. Then we precisely redefine rules of XP. With the belief that XP's practices do not define XP and XP is defined by its rules, we propose RDP practice which is a practical technique for tailoring XP. Finally we conducted an industrial case study. Our goal was to understand the practical feasibility of proposed practice.
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APOS '08: Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Scrutinizing agile practices or shoot-out at the agile corral
May 2008
47 pages
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Published: 10 May 2008
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