Language support for regions | ACM SIGPLAN Notices
- ️AikenAlex
- ️Tue May 01 2001
Region-based memory management systems structure memory by grouping objects in regions under program control. Memory is reclaimed by deleting regions, freeing all objects stored therein. Our compiler for C with regions, RC, prevents unsafe region deletions by keeping a count of references to each region. Using type annotations that make the structure of a program's regions more explicit, we reduce the overhead of reference counting from a maximum of 27% to a maximum of 11% on a suite of realistic benchmarks. We generalise these annotations in a region type system whose main novelty is the use of existentially quantified abstract regions to represent pointers to objects whose region is partially or totally unknown. A distribution of RC is available at
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Information & Contributors
Published In
ACM SIGPLAN Notices Volume 36, Issue 5
May 2001
330 pages
PLDI '01: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2001 conference on Programming language design and implementation
June 2001
331 pages
Copyright © 2001 ACM.
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Published: 01 May 2001
Published in SIGPLAN Volume 36, Issue 5
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