Addenda to "The Copper Hoards of the Indian Subcontinent: Preliminaries for an Interpretation"

  • ️Yule, Paul
  • ️Mon Jan 01 2001

Yule, Paul

In: Man in Environment, 26 (2001), Nr. 2. pp. 117-120


The above-cited study on the copper hoards and the archaeometallurgy of the Subcontinent went to press in 1987, is dated 1989, and appeared in 1992 abroad. It builds on my book of 1985 regarding this same thematic area. Thus, I completed the catalogue of finds and of sites (particularly those of Orissa), mapped the findspots, including those of the culturally related Ochre Coloured Pottery, and those of copper ore deposits, listed for the first time the spectroscopic analyses of large numbers of hoard artefacts, and provided new interpretative models to explain the importance and origin of the hoards. The following notes are intended to complement my study and less so to justify it.

Document type: Article
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2009 08:54
Faculties / Institutes: Miscellaneous > Individual person
DDC-classification: History of ancient world
Controlled Keywords: Archäometallurgie, Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie, Kuperflagerstätte
Uncontrolled Keywords: Archäometallurgie , Atomsabsorptions-Spektroskopie , Artefaktentypologie , Kupferdepot , Kupferhort, Archaeometallurgy , Artefact Typology , Atomic Absorption Analysis , Copper Deposits , Copper Hords
Subject (classification): History and Archaeology
Countries/Regions: India
Series: Personen > Schriften von Paul Yule zu Südasien
Volume: 9