The Case for Selection at CCR5-Δ32
Figure 1
EHH Breakdown of EHH over Distance between the CCR5-Δ32 Mutation and 63 SNPs at Increasing Distances from the Mutation
(A) Map of SNPs typed.
(B) Comparison between Δ32 and a single non-Δ32 class of haplotypes. It should be noted that the Δ32-bearing chromosomes appear (red) to have greatly extended LD compared to the non-Δ32-bearing chromosomes (black).
(C) Breakdown using the eight-marker haplotype containing the Δ32 mutation. There are five haplotypes in European-Americans (frequencies: 42%, 31%, 10%, 8%, and 8%, respectively). Full haplotype sequences and frequencies in other populations are given in Table S3. Notice that two of the non-Δ32-bearing chromosomes (black) appear to have the similar extended LD when compared to the Δ32-bearing chromosomes centromere-distal to CCR5 (red). Centromere-proximal Δ32-bearing chromosomes still have the most extended LD, indicated with an arrow.