An Integrative Multi-scale Analysis of the Dynamic DNA Methylation Landscape in Aging
Fig 2
Age-associated hypomethylated blocks enriched for hypermethylated CGIs.
A) Example of a large genomic region on chromosome-19 containing a significant age-associated hypomethylated block (indicated in green). y-axis gives the fit from the Bumphunter algorithm indicating the methylation change for an increase in 10 age-years, x-axis the genomic position. B) Selected age-hypomethylated blocks enriched for CGIs undergoing hypermethylation. Each plot shows the fit from the Bumphunter algorithm indicating the methylation change per 10 age-years (y-axis) as a function of opensea probe position (x-axis). In blue we indicate the positions of CGIs, and in red those that are significantly hypermethylated with age. Some of the genes associated with the age-hypermethylated CGIs are indicated in red.