Uniparental Genetic Heritage of Belarusians: Encounter of Rare Middle Eastern Matrilineages with a Central European Mitochondrial DNA Pool
Figure 9
PC plot based on NRY haplogroup frequencies among eastern Europeans and Balkan populations.
The contribution of each haplogroup to the first and the second PCs are shown in gray. Population abbreviations are as follows: BeN, BeW, BeC, BeWP, BeEP, BeE – Belarusians from North, West, Central, West Polesie, East Polesie and East sub-regions, respectively, filled red circle denotes the total Belarusian population; RuS, RuC, RuN – Russians from southern, central and northern regions, respectively; Finns K – Finns from Karelia. K*(x N,P) refers to samples with M9, M20, M70 derived alleles and 92R7, M214 ancestral alleles; P*(xR) refers to samples with 92R7, M242 derived alleles and M207 ancestral allele; F*(xI,J,K) refers to samples with M89 derived allele and M9, M201, M170, 12f2 ancestral alleles; C(xF)DE refers to samples with Yap and M130 derived and M89 ancestral alleles. Frequencies of NRY haplogroups and references are listed in Table S3.