Die Synthese und Kristallstruktur des Borat-Phosphats: α -Zn3(BO3)(PO4) / Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Borate-Phosphate: α-Zn3(BO3)( PO4)

  • ️C. H. Park
  • ️Wed Jan 01 1997

Single crystals of the compound α -Zn3(BO3)(PO4) were obtained at 1050 °C by using B2O3, P2O5 and ZnCO3 as starting materials and subsequent cooling to 600°C with 20°C/h. X-ray investigations on single crystals yield a new crystal structure in the monoclinic space group Cm - (Nr. 8) with a = 972.5(2); b = 1272.0(3); c = 487.4(3) pm; β = 119.80 (4)°; Z = 4. The structure contains isolated trigonally planar BO3 and tetrahedral PO4 units which are not joined together. Zinc occupies three crystallographically different point positions and is trigonal-bipyramidally, tetragonal-pyramidally or distorted tetrahedrally coordinated by oxygen

Received: 1996-8-16

Published Online: 2014-6-2

Published in Print: 1997-1-1

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