Angular Momentum: From Traditional to Progressive Satanism in the Order of Nine Angles | International Journal for the Study of New Religions

  • ️Tue Jan 07 2014




Sinister milieu, Order of Nine Angles, traditional Satanism, progressive Left-Hand Path


In the last decade, a ‘sinister milieu’ has developed out of the eponymous ‘traditional’ Satan-ism promoted and further developed by the Order of Nine Angles, which emerged in the British occult scene in the 1980s. This milieu includes a diversity of Satanic and post-Satanic currents which have established the ‘sinister’ as a significant sub-category of Left-Hand Path ideology. Some groups affiliated with the Order of Nine Angles to varying degrees have ad-vanced the concept of the sinister in novel directions removed from the category of ‘Satan-ism,’ further specifying the sinister milieu’s conception of the Left-Hand Path.


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How to Cite

Sieg, G. (2014). Angular Momentum: From Traditional to Progressive Satanism in the Order of Nine Angles. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 4(2), 251-282.