DOI Serbia časopisi
Starinar 2008 Issue 58, Pages: 9-27 Paleolithic and mesolithic finds from profile of the Zemun loess Šarić Josip (Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade) Segment of the material from these two sites was published already in 1984 Owing to circumstances two new Paleolithic sites discovered in the territory of Serbia in recent times have made possible placing of the finds from the sites 'Ekonomija 13 maj' and Beljarica in the new context. This work, by revising already published material and also by presenting the artifacts discovered in the meantime, expands the data base related to the human settlements on the fringes of the Pannonian basin, i.e. in the territory of present-day Serbia during Middle and Late Paleolithic but also during Mesolithic period. Keywords: chipped artifacts, middle paleolithic, late paleolithic, mesolithic, raw materials, chert, quartzite, hand axes, hand points, shouldered projectiles/points, sidescrapers, geometric microliths
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