Jon E. Hess, Billie J. Swalla and Paul Moran
New molecular markers to genetically differentiate populations of Didemnum vexillum (Kott, 2002) - an invasive ascidian species
(pp 299-310)
Gabrielle Thiébaut and Fiorant Di Nino
Morphological variations of natural populations of an aquatic macrophyte Elodea nuttallii in their native and in their introduced ranges
(pp 311-320)
Marco Faasse and Marianne Ligthart
American (Urosalpinx cinerea) and Japanese oyster drill (Ocinebrellus inornatus) (Gastropoda: Muricidae) flourish near shellfish culture plots in The Netherlands
(pp 321-326)
Kreimir ganec, Sanja Gottstein and Sandra Hudina
Ponto-Caspian amphipods in Croatian large rivers
(pp 327-335)
Vitaliy P. Semenchenko, Viktor K. Rizevsky, Sergey E. Mastitsky, Vasiliy V. Vezhnovets,
Mikhail V. Pluta, Vladimir I. Razlutsky and Tatiana Laenko
Checklist of aquatic alien species established in large river basins of Belarus
(pp 337-347)
Short communications |
Suchana Chavanich, Voranop Viyakarn, Somkiat Piyatiratitivorakul, Khanit Suwanborirux and Somchai Bussarawit
Two introduced tunicate species, Ecteinascidia thurstoni Herdman, 1891 and Clavelina cyclus Tokioka & Nishikawa, 1975, in Thailand
(pp 349-351)
Álvaro Altuna
Eucheilota menoni Kramp 1959 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Lovenellidae), an Indo-Pacific species new to the Atlantic fauna from the Bay of Biscay (north of Spain)
(pp 353-356)
Bella S. Galil, Nurit Kress and Tamara A. Shiganova
First record of Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865 (Ctenophora; Lobata; Mnemiidae) off the Mediterranean coast of Israel
(pp 357-360)
Chryssanthi Antoniadou and Dimitris Vafidis
Updated distribution of the holothuroid Synaptula reciprocans (Forskal, 1775) in the Mediterranean: does it follow shallow-water circulation patterns?
(pp 361-363)
Michał Grabowski and Aleksandra Jabłońska
First records of Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) in Greece
(pp 365-367)
Murtada D. Naser and Mikhail O. Son
First record of the New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray 1843) from Iraq: the start of expansion to Western Asia?
(pp 369-372)
D. Menno Soes, Peter Glöer and Anton J. de Winter
Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae), a new exotic snail species for the Dutch fauna
(pp 373-375)
Rachel Collin, Paul Farrell and Simon Cragg
Confirmation of the identification and establishment of the South American slipper limpet
Crepipatella dilatata (Lamark 1822) (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae) in Northern Spain
(pp 377-380)
Rym Zakhama-Sraieb, Yassine Ramzi Sghaier and Faouzia Charfi-Cheikhrouha
On the occurrence of Bursatella leachii De Blainville, 1817 and Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814)
in the Ghar El Melh lagoon (NE Tunisia)
(pp 381-383)
Argyro Zenetos, Panayotis Ovalis and Evi Vardala-Theodorou
The American piddock Petricola pholadiformis Lamarck, 1818 spreading in the Mediterranean Sea
(pp 385-387)
Jeroen Goud and Constantine Mifsud
Fulvia fragilis (Forsskål in Niebuhr, 1775) (Bivalvia: Cardiidae), an alien species new to the Maltese malacofauna
(pp 389-391)
Yuriy Kvach
First report of Saduria (Mesidotea) entomon (Linnaeus, 1758) (Isopoda: Chaetiliidae) in the Black Sea
(pp 393-395)
Michal Straka and Jan paček
First record of alien crustaceans Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet, 1831) and Jaera istri Veuille, 1979 from the Czech Republic
(pp 397-399)
Francesco Nonnis Marzano, Massimiliano Scalici, Stefania Chiesa, Francesca Gherardi, Armando Piccinini and Giancarlo Gibertini
The first record of the marbled crayfish adds further threats to fresh waters in Italy
(pp 401-404)
Janne Raunio, Lauri Paasivirta and Yngve Brodin
Marine midge Telmatogeton japonicus Tokunaga (Diptera: Chironomidae) exploiting brackish water in Finland
(pp 405-408)
Menachem Goren, Bella S. Galil, Ariel Diamant, Kfir Gayer and Nir Stern
First record of the Indo-Pacific cardinal fish Apogon fasciatus (White, 1790) in the Mediterranean Sea
(pp 409-411)
Menachem Goren, Kfir Gayer and Nimrod Lazarus
First record of the Far East chameleon goby Tridentiger trigonocephalus (Gill, 1859) in the Mediterranean Sea
(pp 413-415)
Yoshiaki Kai and D. Menno Soes
A record of Sebastes schlegelii Hilgendorf, 1880 from Dutch coastal waters
(pp 417-419)
Nils van Kessel, Martijn Dorenbosch and Frank Spikmans
First record of Pontian monkey goby, Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas, 1814), in the Dutch Rhine
(pp 421-424)
Julián Comesaña and Cesar Ayres
New data on the distribution of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides,
and of non endemic Iberian gudgeon Gobio lozanoi in the Galicia region (NW Spain)
(pp 425-427)