Anyonic Defect Branes and Conformal Blocks in Twisted Equivariant...

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Abstract:We demonstrate that twisted equivariant differential K-theory of transverse complex curves accommodates exotic charges of the form expected of codimension=2 defect branes, such as of D7-branes in IIB/F-theory on A-type orbifold singularities, but also of their dual 3-brane defects of class-S theories on M5-branes. These branes have been argued, within F-theory and the AGT correspondence, to carry special SL(2)-monodromy charges not seen for other branes, but none of these had previously been identified in the expected brane charge quantization law given by K-theory.
Here we observe that it is the subtle (and previously somewhat neglected) twisting of equivariant K-theory by flat complex line bundles appearing inside orbi-singularities ("inner local systems") that makes the secondary Chern character on a punctured plane inside an A-type singularity evaluate to the twisted holomorphic de Rham cohomology which Feigin, Schechtman & Varchenko showed realizes sl(2,C)-conformal blocks, here in degree 1 -- in fact it gives the direct sum of these over all admissible fractional levels. The remaining higher-degree conformal blocks appear similarly if we assume our previously discussed "Hypothesis H" about brane charge quantization in M-theory. Since conformal blocks -- and hence these twisted equivariant secondary Chern characters -- solve the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation and thus constitute representations of the braid group of motions of defect branes inside their transverse space, this provides a concrete first-principles realization of anyon statistics of -- and hence of topological quantum computation on -- defect branes in string/M-theory.

Submission history

From: Urs Schreiber [view email]
[v1] Tue, 22 Mar 2022 16:05:58 UTC (102 KB)