Improved Safety Motion Picture Film Support<!--<xref ref-type="fn" rid="fn1-10.5594_J11731">*</xref>-->
Extensive experimental work on safety cine film support has resulted in an improved product which offers possibilities for professional motion picture use. — This product is a highly acetylated cellulose acetate with physical properties which are considerably different from those of ordinary commercial cellulose acetate previously used. Certain improved physical characteristics and improved aging properties of this base material are described in detail. — As a cine positive film support the high-acetyl cellulose acetate is shown to give satisfactory behavior in printing, processing, and projection operations and compares favorably with present standard release positive film. — Experimental studies on the use of the high-acetyl base for 35-mm negative film are described showing that this base will lend itself to use for negative materials. Particularly important is the fact that this base offers a very low degree of shrinkage on long time keeping.
Print ISSN
- 0097-5834 Published
- 1948-10 Content type
- Original Research DOI
- 10.5594/J11731