Sets of Fractional Operators and Some of Their Applications

  • ️Wed Oct 26 2022

Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Reviewed: 19 August 2022 Published: 26 October 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107263


This chapter presents one way to define Abelian groups of fractional operators isomorphic to the group of integers under addition through a family of sets of fractional operators and a modified Hadamard product, as well as one way to define finite Abelian groups of fractional operators through sets of positive residual classes less than a prime number. Furthermore, it is presented one way to define sets of fractional operators which allow generalizing the Taylor series expansion of a vector-valued function in multi-index notation, as well as one way to define a family of fractional fixed-point methods and determine their order of convergence analytically through sets.


  • fractional operators
  • set theory
  • group theory
  • fractional iterative methods
  • fractional calculus of sets
  • A. Torres-Hernandez*

    • Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
    • Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Music and Machine Learning Lab, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
  • F. Brambila-Paz

    • Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
  • R. Ramirez-Melendez

    • Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Music and Machine Learning Lab, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

*Address all correspondence to:

1. Introduction

In one dimension, a fractional derivative may be considered in a general way as a parametric operator of order α, such that it coincides with conventional derivatives when α is a positive integer n. So, when it is not necessary to explicitly specify the form of a fractional derivative, it is usually denoted as follows

On the other hand, a fractional differential equation is an equation that involves at least one differential operator of order α, with n−1<α≤n for some positive integer n, and it is said to be a differential equation of order α if this operator is the highest order in the equation. The fractional operators have many representations [1, 2, 3], but one of their fundamental properties is that they allow retrieving the results of conventional calculus when α→n. For example, let f:Ω⊂R→R be a function such that f∈Lloc1ab, where Lloc1ab denotes the space of locally integrable functions on the open interval ab⊂Ω. One of the fundamental operators of fractional calculus is the operator Riemann−Liouville fractional integral, which is defined as follows [4, 5]:



where Γ denotes the Gamma function. It is worth mentioning that the above operator is a fundamental piece to construct the operator Riemann−Liouville fractional derivative, which is defined as follows [4, 6]:



where n=α and aIx0fx≔fx. On the other hand, let f:Ω⊂R→R be a function n-times differentiable such that f,fn∈Lloc1ab. Then, the Riemann−Liouville fractional integral also allows constructing the operator Caputo fractional derivative, which is defined as follows [4, 6]:



where n=α and aIx0fnx≔fnx. Furthermore, if the function f fulfills that fka=0∀k∈01⋯n−1, the Riemann−Liouville fractional derivative coincides with the Caputo fractional derivative, that is,

So, applying the operator (3) with a=0 to the function , with μ>−1, we obtain the following result [7]:



where if 1≤α≤μ it is fulfilled that 0Dxαxμ=0CDxαxμ.


2. Sets of fractional operators

Before continuing, it is necessary to mention that due to the large number of fractional operators that may exist [1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], some sets must be defined to fully characterize elements of fractional calculus. It is worth mentioning that characterizing elements of fractional calculus through sets is the main idea behind of the methodology known as fractional calculus of sets [24, 25]. So, considering a scalar function h:Rm→R and the canonical basis of Rm denoted by êkk≥1, it is possible to define the following fractional operator of order α using Einstein notation

Therefore, denoting by ∂kn the partial derivative of order n applied with respect to the k-th component of the vector x, using the previous operator it is possible to define the following set of fractional operators



which may be proved to be a nonempty set through the following set of fractional operators



with which it is possible to obtain the following result:



So, the complement of the set (8) may be defined as follows



with which it is possible to obtain the following result:



where σj:12⋯m→12⋯m denotes any permutation different from the identity. On the other hand, the set (8) may be considered as a generating set of sets of fractional tensor operators. For example, considering α,n∈Rd with α=êkαk and n=êknk, it is possible to define the following set of fractional tensor operators




3. Groups of fractional operators

Considering a function h:Ω⊂Rm→Rm, it is possible to define the following sets







where hk:Ω⊂Rm→R denotes the k-th component of the function h. So, it is possible to define the following set of fractional operators



which under the classical Hadamard product it is fulfilled that



As a consequence, it is possible to define the following set of matrices



and therefore, considering that when using the classical Hadamard product in general oxpα∘oxqα≠oxp+qα. Assuming the existence of a fixed set of matrices mMx,α∞h, joined with a modified Hadamard product that fulfills the following property



by omitting the function h, the resulting set mMx,α∞⋅ has the ability to generate a group of fractional matrix operators that fulfill the following equation



through the following set [24, 26]:



Where ∀Ai,α∘p,Aj,α∘q,Aj,α∘r∈mGFNRα, with i≠j, the following property is defined



since it is considered that through combinations of the Hadamard product of type horizontal and vertical the fractional operators are reduced to their minimal expression. As a consequence, it is fulfilled that



It is necessary to mention that for each operator oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh it is possible to define a group [26], which is isomorphic to the group of integers under the addition, as shown by the following theorems:

Theorem 1.1 Let oxα be a fractional operator such that oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh. So, considering the modified Hadamard product given by (20), it is possible to define the following set of fractional matrix operators



which corresponds to the Abelian group generated by the operator Aαoxα.

Proof: It should be noted that due to the way the set (25) is defined, just the Hadamard product of type vertical is applied among its elements. So, ∀Aα∘p,Aα∘q∈mGAαoxα it is fulfilled that



with which it is possible to prove that the set mGAαoxα fulfills the following properties, which correspond to the properties of an Abelian group:



Theorem 1.2 Let oxα be a fractional operator such that oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh and let Z+ be the group of integers under the addition. So, the group generated by the operator Aαoxα is isomorphic to the group Z+, that is,

Proof: To prove the theorem it is enough to define a bijective homomorphism between the sets mGAαoxα and Z+. Let ψ:mGAαoxα→Z+ be a function with inverse function ψ−1:Z+→mGAαoxα. So, the functions ψ and ψ−1 may be defined as follows

with which it is possible to obtain the following results:



Therefore, from the previous results, it follows that the function ψ defines an isomorphism between the sets mGAαoxα and Z+.

Then, from the previous theorems it is possible to obtain the following corollaries:

Corollary 1.3 Let oxα be a fractional operator such that oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh and let Z+ be the group of integers under the addition. So, considering the modified Hadamard product given by (20) and some subgroup of the group Z+, it is possible to define the following set of fractional matrix operators



which corresponds to a subgroup of the group generated by the operator Aαoxα, that is,

Example 1 Let Zn be the set of residual classes less than n. So, considering a fractional operator oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh and the set Z14, it is possible to define the Abelian group of fractional matrix operators mGAαoxαZ14. Furthermore, all possible combinations of the elements of the group under the modified Hadamard product given by (20) are summarized below:

Corollary 1.4 Let h:Rm→Rm be a function such that ∃mMOx,α∞,uh. So, if it is fulfilled the following condition



such that mGAαoxα is the group generated by the operator Aαoxα. As a consequence, it is fulfilled that



It is necessary to mention that the Corollary 1.3 allows generating groups of fractional operators under other operations, as shown in the following corollary:

Corollary 1.5 Let Zp+ be the set of positive residual classes less than p, with p a prime number. So, for each fractional operator oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh, it is possible to define the following set of fractional matrix operators



which corresponds to an Abelian group under the following operation

Example 2 Let oxα be a fractional operator such that oxα∈mMOx,α∞,uh. So, considering the set Z13+, it is possible to define the Abelian group of fractional matrix operators mG∗AαoxαZ13+. Furthermore, all possible combinations of the elements of the group under the operation (36) are summarized below:

On the other hand, defining Aαh=Aαhjk≔hk, it is possible to obtain the following result:



Therefore, if ΦFIM denotes the iteration function of some fractional iterative method [26], it is possible to obtain the following results:





To finish this section, it is necessary to mention that the applications of fractional operators have spread to different fields of science such as finance [27, 28], economics [29], number theory through the Riemann zeta function [30, 31], and in engineering with the study for the manufacture of hybrid solar receivers [32, 33]. It is worth mentioning that there exists also a growing interest in fractional operators and their properties for solving nonlinear algebraic systems [24, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41], which is a classical problem in mathematics, physics and engineering, which consists of finding the set of zeros of a function f:Ω⊂Rn→Rn, that is,

where ⋅:Rn→R denotes any vector norm, or equivalently

Although finding the zeros of a function may seem like a simple problem, it is generally necessary to use numerical methods of the iterative type to solve it.


4. Fixed-point method

Let Φ:Rn→Rn be a function. It is possible to build a sequence xii≥1 by defining the following iterative method

So, if it is fulfilled that xi→ξ∈Rn and the function Φ is continuous around ξ, we obtain that



the above result is the reason by which the method (42) is known as the fixed-point method. Furthermore, the function Φ is called an iteration function. On the other hand, considering the following set

it is possible to define the following corollary, which allows characterizing the order of convergence of an iteration function Φ through its Jacobian matrix Φ1 [7]:

Corollary 1.6 Let Φ:Rn→Rn be an iteration function. If Φ defines a sequence xii≥1 such that xi→ξ∈Rn. So, Φ has an order of convergence of order (at least) p in Bξδ, where it is fulfilled that:




5. Fractional fixed-point method

Let N0 be the set N∪0, if γ∈N0m and x∈Rm, then it is possible to define the following multi-index notation



So, considering a function h:Ω⊂Rm→R and the fractional operator



it is possible to define the following set of fractional operators



from which it is possible to obtain the following results:



and as a consequence, considering a function h:Ω⊂Rm→Rm, it is possible to define the following set of fractional operators



On the other hand, using little-o notation it is possible to obtain the following result:



with which it is possible to define the following set of functions



where rαγn:Baδ⊂Ω→Rm. So, considering the previous set and some Baδ⊂Ω, it is possible to define the following sets of fractional operators





which allow generalizing the Taylor series expansion of a vector-valued function in multi-index notation [7], where M=maxnq. As a consequence, it is possible to obtain the following results:





Let f:Ω⊂Rn→Rn be a function with a point ξ∈Ω such that fξ=0. So, for some xi∈Bξδ⊂Ω and for some fractional operator txα,∞∈nTx,α∞,γxif, it is possible to define a type of linear approximation of the function f around the value xi as follows



which may be rewritten more compactly as follows



where okαfjxi denotes a square matrix. On the other hand, if x→ξ and since fξ=0, it follows that



So, defining the following matrix



it is possible to define the following fractional iterative method



which corresponds to the more general case of the fractional Newton-Raphson method [25, 36].

Let f:Ω⊂Rn→Rn be a function with a point ξ∈Ω such that fξ=0. So, considering an iteration function Φ:R\Z×Rn→Rn, the iteration function of a fractional iterative method may be written in general form as follows

where Ag,α is a matrix that depends, in at least one of its entries, on fractional operators of order α applied to some function g:Rn→Rn, whose particular case occurs when g=f. So, it is possible to define in a general way a fractional fixed-point method as follows

Before continuing, it is worth mentioning that one of the main advantages of fractional iterative methods is that the initial condition x0 can remain fixed, with which it is enough to vary the order α of the fractional operators involved until generating a sequence convergent xii≥1 to the value ξ∈Ω. Since the order α of the fractional operators is varied, different values of α can generate different convergent sequences to the same value ξ but with a different number of iterations. So, it is possible to define the following set



which may be interpreted as the set of fractional fixed-point methods that define a convergent sequence xii≥1 to some value ξα∈Bξδ. So, denoting by card⋅ the cardinality of a set, under certain conditions it is possible to prove the following result (see reference [24], proof of Theorem 2):

from which it follows that the set (64) is generated by an uncountable family of fractional fixed-point methods. Before continuing, it is necessary to define the following proposition [7]:

Proposition 1.7 Let Φ:R\Z×Rn→Rn be an iteration function such that Φ∈Convδξ in a region Ω. So, if Φ is given by the equation (62) and fulfills the following condition

Then, Φ fulfills a necessary (but not sufficient) condition to be convergent of order (at least) quadratic in Bξδ.

Proof: If Φ is given by the equation (62), the k-th component of the function Φ may be written as follows



and considering that f1x=f1jlx≔∂lfjx, it is possible to obtain the following result



where δkl denotes the Kronecker delta. On the other hand, since f has a point ξ∈Ω such that fξ=0, it follows that



Then, if Φ∈Convδξ and has an order of convergence (at least) quadratic in Bξδ, by the Corollary 1.6, it is fulfilled the following condition



which may be rewritten more compactly as follows

where In denotes the identity matrix of n×n. Therefore, any matrix Ag,a that fulfills the following condition

ensures that the iteration function Φ given by the equation (62), fulfills a necessary (but not sufficient) condition to be convergent of order (at least) quadratic in Bξδ.

Considering the Corollary 1.6 and the Proposition 1.7, it is possible to define the following sets to classify the order of convergence of some fractional iterative methods:









On the other hand, considering that depending on the nature of the function f, there exist cases in which the Newton-Raphson method can present an order of convergence (at least) linear [7]. So, it is possible to obtain the following relations between the previous sets



with which it is possible to define the following sets



5.1 Acceleration of the order of convergence of the set Ord21ξ

Let f:Ω⊂Rn→Rn be a function with a point ξ∈Ω such that fξ=0, and denoting by ΦNR to the iteration function of the Newton-Raphson method, it is possible to define the following set of functions



So, it is possible to define the following corollary:

Corollary 1.8 Let f:Ω⊂Rn→Rn be a function such that f∈OrdNR2ξ, and let Φ:R\Z×Rn→Rn be an iteration function given by the equation (62) such that Φ∈ord1ξ. So, if Φ also fulfills the following condition

Then, Φ∈Ord21ξ. Therefore, it is possible to assign a positive value δ0, and replace the order α of the fractional operators of the matrix Ag,α by the following function



obtaining a new matrix that may be denoted as follows



and with which it is fulfilled that Φ∈Ord22ξ.

It is necessary to mention that, for practical purposes, it may be defined that if a fractional iterative method Φ fulfills the properties of the Corollary 1.8 and uses the function (81), it may be called a fractional iterative method accelerated. Finally, it is necessary to mention that fractional iterative methods may be defined in the complex space [24], that is,

However, due to the part of the integral operator that fractional operators usually have, it may be considered that in the matrix Ag,α each fractional operator okα is obtained for a real variable xk, and if the result allows it, this variable is subsequently substituted by a complex variable xik, that is,



Therefore, it is possible to obtain the following corollaries:

Corollary 1.9 Let f:Ω⊂Cn→Cn be a function such that f∈OrdNR2ξ, let g:Cn→Cn be a function such that g1x=f1x∀x∈Bξδ, and let Φ:R\Z×Cn→Cn be an iteration function given by the equation (62). So, for each operator oxα∈nOx,α1g such that there exists the matrix Ag,α−1=Aαoxα∘AαTg, it follows that the matrix fulfills the following condition



As a consequence, by the Corollary 1.8, if ΦAg,α∈Ord21ξ⇒ΦAg,αf∈Ord22ξ.

Corollary 1.10 Let f:Ω⊂Cn→Cn be a function such that f∈OrdNR2ξ, let gkk=1N be a finite sequence of functions gk:Cn→Cn such that it defines a finite sequence of operators ok,xαk=1N through the following condition



and let Φ:R\Z×Cn→Cn be an iteration function given by the Eq. (62). So, if there exists a matrix AN,α such that it fulfills the following conditions



As a consequence, by the Corollary 1.8, if ΦAN,α∈Ord21ξ⇒ΦAN,αf∈Ord22ξ.


6. Conclusions

It is worth mentioning that it is feasible to develop more complex algebraic structures of fractional operators using the presented results. For example, without loss of generality, considering the modified Hadamard product (20) and the operation (36), a commutative and unitary ring of fractional operators may be defined as follows

in which it is not difficult to verify the following properties:

  1. The pair GAαoxα,∘m is an Abelian group.

  2. The pair GAαoxα,∗m is an Abelian monoid.

  3. ∀Aα∘p,Aα∘q,Aα∘r∈RAαoxαm, the operation is distributive with respect to the operation , that is,




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Written By

A. Torres-Hernandez, F. Brambila-Paz and R. Ramirez-Melendez

Reviewed: 19 August 2022 Published: 26 October 2022

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