The first record of Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Croatia?

  • ️Michal Manas (michal.manas [at]

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... > Volume 8

Luboš Beran

A threatened planorbid gastropod Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834), listed in the EU Habitat Directive, was found in the Krka National Park in Croatia in August 2009. This find is the first known record at least in the western part of Croatia belonging to the Adriatic Sea drainage area.

Keywords: Mollusca, Gastropoda, Anisus vorticulus, Croatia, Krka River

Beran L., 2009: The first record of Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Croatia?. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 8: 70.

Publication date: 14. 12. 2009. PDF (584 kB) Creative Commons License

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