
Life, Friends, and Associations of Robert Fludd: A Revised Account - Volume 5, Issue 1, Spring 2016

  • ️Tue Jan 17 2023

Cover of Journal of Early Modern Studies

Journal of Early Modern Studies

Luca Guariento

Pages 9-37

Life, Friends, and Associations of Robert Fludd
A Revised Account

In the last decades Robert Fludd’s philosophy has received increasing attention. On the other hand, his life, network, and acquaintances have been investigated in much less detail. As William Huffman rightly put it, “[o]ne of the main problems confronting someone interested in Robert Fludd is the lack of information about his formative years, as well as about his later associations”. Ron Heisler already observed that regrettably Huffman’s own account is not always accurate or complete. Scholars such as Johannes Rösche have recently added more details. The aim of this article is to give scope for further research; it collects contributions by previous scholars and adds details, corrects inaccuracies, identifies hitherto nameless (or misnamed) people with whom Fludd came into contact, and places he visited. It also takes into account current research coming from tangential fields, for instance studies on Fludd’s publisher or on philosophers such as Michael Maier, with whom he is thought to have been closely associated.

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