Mortality and physiological stress of year-classes of landlocked and migratory Atlantic salmon, brown trout and brook trout in acidic aluminium-rich soft water
Physiological stress, measured as changes in plasma chloride, and mortality were measured on different year-classes of landlocked and migratory Atlantic salmon, two strains of brown trout, and brook trout, in a flow-through system with acidic Al-rich soft water. The oldest year-classes of salmon were smolts. Water from Lake Byglandsfjord (pH = 5.9), was enriched with inorganic A1 (as A1C13) and H2SO4 to pH = 5.1, total A1 = 225 ug L-1, and labile A1=135 ug L-1. As a reference, lake water was limed by means of a shellsand filter to pH=6.2, increasing Ca-concentration from 1.0 to 1.5 mg L-1. During the 83 hr experiment, neither mortality nor physiological stress occurred in any species or year-class in the limed water. In the acid water, no mortality occurred on any stage of brown trout or brook trout. Among the migratory and landlocked salmon, however, 5% of the alevins died after 49 and 70 hr, respectively. All smolts of both the landlocked and the migratory salmon died after 83 and 35 hr, respectively, the corresponding loss rate of plasma chloride was -0.76 and -1.26 meq C1 hr-1. Brook trout, however, increased plasma ion concentration during the experimental period, and hence showed no stress.
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B. O. Rosseland, O. K. Skogheim & F. Kroglund
Present address: Norsk Biotech A/S, P.O. Box 788, N-4301, Krossen, Sandnes, Norway
E. Hoell
Present address: Norcem A/S, N-3950, Brevik, Norway
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Fish Research Division, Directorate for Nature and Management, Tungasletta 2, N-7000, Trondheim, Norway
B. O. Rosseland, O. K. Skogheim, F. Kroglund & E. Hoell
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Atmospheric Environment Service, Downsview, Ontario, Canada
Hans C. Martin
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© 1986 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
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Rosseland, B.O., Skogheim, O.K., Kroglund, F., Hoell, E. (1986). Mortality and physiological stress of year-classes of landlocked and migratory Atlantic salmon, brown trout and brook trout in acidic aluminium-rich soft water. In: Martin, H.C. (eds) Acidic Precipitation. Springer, Dordrecht.
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Online ISBN: 978-94-009-3385-9
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